Browse Items (13 total)

OBJECTIVE: This study assessed maternal attitudes about the physician's role in child health promotion. METHODS: Home interviews were conducted with 200 Massachusetts mothers (with one child age 2 to 3 years) enrolled in a health maintenance…

This study identified and explored the informal social supports that bereaved parents found helpful following the death of their primary school-aged child. Ten participants were interviewed using a semistructured interview schedule. Data were…

Two home telehealth technologies (the Intel Health Guide and the Apple iPad) were trialled by four clinical services of the Hunter New England Local Health District. The iPad was selected by the Paediatric Palliative Care Service, the Stroke Service…

Background: Pediatric palliative cares involve the whole family, along with the interdisciplinary pediatric palliative care (PPC) team. The commitment of the PPC team and the engagement of the family at different levels can play a key role in…

Hypotheses generated by the precaution adoption process model, a stage model of health behavior, were tested in the context of home radon testing. The specific idea tested was that the barriers impeding progress toward protective action change from…

PURPOSE: To explore and describe the health-related, help-seeking behaviors of young female Mexican-American adolescents. DESIGN: Qualitative exploratory-descriptive design using focus groups. SETTING: Community recreation centers. PARTICIPANTS: 18…

The goal of this study was to explore nurse experiences in communication with children about spiritual topics in order to develop training in this area.
Although spiritual care is essential in pediatric palliative care, few providers…

Although a growing number of projects have been implemented using the community-based participatory research method known as photovoice, no known systematic review of the literature on this approach has been conducted to date. This review draws on…

BACKGROUND: Palliative care improves the health of children with a life-limiting condition and appears to draw implicitly on concepts shared with a model of health promotion. However, to date there has been no scrutiny about how this relationship may…

OBJECTIVES: To gauge the perspectives of adolescents and adults with cystic fibrosis (CF) and their parents regarding the transition from paediatric to adult-oriented health care. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey using an anonymous, semi-structured…

Transition has been described by many disciplines. However, the concept of transition has yet to be applied to the sibling experience of childhood cancer. Understanding the transitions that siblings encounter is important because it will offer nurses…
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