Browse Items (86 total)

War's influence on emotional health includes potential psychological gains as well as losses. In a sample of 149 veterans from longitudinal samples at the Institute of Human Development, University of California, Berkeley, this study explores two…

We assessed how children's self-concepts of ability for mathematics, English, social, and physical skills activities, ratings of the importance of these activities, and general self-esteem change across the transition to junior high school. Three…

We describe a male infant of Austrian ancestry, the main clinical features including attacks of dyspnea due to laryngomalacia, severe mental and motor retardation, pronounced splenohepatomegaly and vacuolisation of peripheral lymphocytes. The…

The development of the Delphi technique, as a survey method of research, and examples of its use are described. The technique's key characteristics, anonymity, use of experts and controlled feedback, are examined. The method's usefulness in…

Blood samples were taken from six children aged between 10 months and 15 years, at intervals over a period of 40 hours while they were receiving continuous morphine infusions. The plasma morphine values obtained showed similar and consistent levels…

Plasma beta-endorphin, cortisol and total opioid-like activities were measured upon arrival at the hospital in ten patients with extensive trauma and in a state of shock and 11 patients with minor injury. Patients in a state of shock had…

The Pediatric Risk of Mortality (PRISM) score was developed from the Physiologic Stability Index (PSI) to reduce the number of physiologic variables required for pediatric ICU (PICU) mortality risk assessment and to obtain an objective weighting of…

Twenty-two courses of oral methadone were given to control moderate or severe pain in 19 children with cancer. Of these, 21 courses gave adequate pain control for periods of 5 to 267 days (median 24 days). In 16 courses, methadone was continued until…

Introduction Previous studies by Gourlay and coworkers1-3 have demonstrated that in adults undergoing surgery, methadone has slow elimination and a very long duration of effective analgesia. For children, intramuscular injections are a major source…

Contrasting predictors of depression among 101 men and 214 women providing care to spouses suffering from Alzheimer's Disease indicated that the sole predictor for husbands was ill health, whereas for wives less emotional investment was also…

An increasing body of research suggests that the death of a child results in a unique form of bereavement for surviving parents. A study reviewed research findings on parental bereavement, including those from the author's ongoing longitudinal study.…

A review of the literature provides the basis for a discussion of the impact of sibling death on healthy children whose emotional needs may be unattended both by parents and professionals. Factors which may deter hospice practitioners from delivering…

An improved radio-immunoassay using an antiserum directed towards the N-terminal part of the endogenous opioid peptide beta-endorphin 1-31 (beta-EP) was validated and applied to a study of beta-EP in plasma during ischaemic pain. Experimental…

Numerous causes of pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, and pneumopericardium have been described in the literature. The authors report a unique case in which one or more causes may have contributed to the patient's condition.

As the hospice movement comes of age, it must be as accountable for the quality of its services as other health care delivery systems. To this end, the Hospice Program of the Butler County (Pennsylvania) Visiting Nurses Association has begun a more…

In spite of the many possible methods of pain control in the burned child satisfactory pain management may still be a problem, at times formidable. The most fruitful approach would seem to be frequent assessment of pain in the individual patient with…

A chart review was conducted of the records of 90 children and 90 adults, randomly selected and matched for sex and diagnosis, to investigate analgesic usage. Four diagnostic categories (hernias, appendectomies, burns, and fractured femurs) at two…

Because infants hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection frequently receive antibiotics, our study was undertaken to determine what the actual risk of secondary bacterial infections in patients with RSV infection is and what…

Although most clinicians agree that patients should be informed about treatment alternatives, little is known about the way patients perceive probabilistic information about treatment outcomes and how it influences the choices they make. The purpose…

This article identifies and lists the problems of children with complex medical conditions and/or complex home health case needs. Five categories of seriously chronically ill children are identified and programs to meet their needs discussed. The…

A 12-year-old female suffering from osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) was treated with 3-amino-1-hydroxypropylidene-1,1-bisphosphonate (APD) orally, 250 mg daily, for periods of 2 months, alternating with periods of 2 months of abstinence. Total duration…

A 1-year birth cohort from northern Finland comprised 12,058 children, 96% of all live-born infants born in the region in 1966. The development and morbidity of these children were followed up to the age of 14 years. Altogether, 40 children (25 boys…

Peptides derived from pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) influence neurodevelopmental processes. Earlier studies indicated that MSH/ACTH compounds improved behavioral efficiency in retarded individuals. Recent studies have shown that opiate blockers reduce…

Five patients with juvenile neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis, who were shown to have absent or reduced serum prebetalipoprotein and a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids in erythrocyte membrane lipids, were treated for a period of one year with…

This report describes 7 patients, aged 30 to 43 years, suffering from a mild variant of Sanfilippo B-disease. Somatic findings in these patients are unremarkable. Dementia and behavioral disturbances occurred late in the course of the disease. All 7…

Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) provides improved titration of analgesic drugs, thereby minimizing individual pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic differences. Patient-controlled analgesia decreases patient anxiety resulting from delays in…
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