Browse Items (12 total)

In Poland, guidelines for the management of ineffective treatment of children in neonatal and paediatric departments developed by the Polish Neonatal Society and the Polish Paediatric Society, have been published. The specific problems of futile…

BACKGROUND: This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Non-communicating Children's Pain Checklist-Postoperative Version (NCCPC-PV) when used with children with severe intellectual disabilities. METHODS: The caregivers of 24 children…

Background: The anticonvulsant gabapentin has proven effective for neuropathic pain in three large placebo-controlled clinical trials. Experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated antihyperalgesic effects in models involving central neuronal…

Introduction Previous studies by Gourlay and coworkers1-3 have demonstrated that in adults undergoing surgery, methadone has slow elimination and a very long duration of effective analgesia. For children, intramuscular injections are a major source…

Children are at times asked by clinicians or researchers to rate their pain associated with their past, future, or hypothetical experiences. However, little consideration is typically given to the cognitive-developmental requirements of such pain…
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