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A 1-year birth cohort from northern Finland comprised 12,058 children, 96% of all live-born infants born in the region in 1966. The development and morbidity of these children were followed up to the age of 14 years. Altogether, 40 children (25 boys…
A chart review was conducted of the records of 90 children and 90 adults, randomly selected and matched for sex and diagnosis, to investigate analgesic usage. Four diagnostic categories (hernias, appendectomies, burns, and fractured femurs) at two…
Twenty-two courses of oral methadone were given to control moderate or severe pain in 19 children with cancer. Of these, 21 courses gave adequate pain control for periods of 5 to 267 days (median 24 days). In 16 courses, methadone was continued until…
Blood samples were taken from six children aged between 10 months and 15 years, at intervals over a period of 40 hours while they were receiving continuous morphine infusions. The plasma morphine values obtained showed similar and consistent levels…
We describe a male infant of Austrian ancestry, the main clinical features including attacks of dyspnea due to laryngomalacia, severe mental and motor retardation, pronounced splenohepatomegaly and vacuolisation of peripheral lymphocytes. The…
This paper reviews some of the recent empirical studies validating the Circumplex Model and describes the newly developed self-report measure, FACES III. Studies testing hypotheses derived from the Circumplex Model regarding the three dimensions of…
Much of the discussion since the Arthur case has centred round the rights of handicapped infants to medical treatment. Little has centred round the question of how far one person can rightly be required to sacrifice her life for another, when she has…
Four female Mexican-American infants, two siblings, had widespread deposit of hyaline material in skin, gastrointestinal tract, adrenals, urinary bladder, ovaries, skeletal muscles, thymus, parathyroids, and other loci. Clinical features included…
To investigate intensity of care after do-not-resuscitate (DNR) designation, the implications of DNR decisions were analyzed in a 450-bed community hospital. All 333 patients who received written DNR orders in a six-month period were studied. These…
Hospice is a program of supportive services for terminally ill patients and their families, provided either at home or in designated inpatient settings, which is purported to improve patient and family quality of life at lower cost than conventional…