Browse Items (20 total)

Children with medical complexity (CMC) have complex chronic conditions with significant functional impairment, contributing to high caregiving demand. This study seeks to explore impacts of parental caregiving for CMC. Fifteen caregivers of CMC…

Bisphosphonates are synthetic analogues of pyrophosphate that inhibit bone resorption by their action on osteoclasts. Bisphosphonates have been extensively used in the elderly with primary and secondary osteoporosis, Paget's disease, and…

A behavior therapy approach for obtaining cooperation during needle sticks was provided to 8 pediatric patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Therapy was provided during mock needle sticks. Hand lotion was applied to simulate…

The clinical presentation of mitochondrial disorders in childhood is highly variable causing difficulties in diagnosis and management. We assessed records of 75 children (48 male, 27 female) with a biochemically and/or molecularly established…

Although pediatricians are increasingly aware of the problem of undernutrition in children with neurologic disabilities, many of these children remain poorly nourished despite prolonged attempts at oral feedings. We studied the effects of tube…

Few tools are available to pediatricians for tracking and monitoring disability status in children. We describe the conceptual basis and pilot use of the Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM). Our pilot use of this instrument in…

A cross-sectional community sample of 417 children, ages 6 months to 8 years without developmental delays or in developmental programs, was seen. The Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM) was used to assess independence in self-care,…

Conflicts between residents and attending physicians over ethical issues often occur and residents must attempt to navigate these perilous waters. A brief description of a conflict concerning informed consent and professional role expectations in a…

Dramatic improvements in the hospital management of perinatal loss have taken place in the past 20 years. However, there has been no critical examination of current approaches. Four possible hazards of current hospital practice are described: 1)…

Patient race/ethnicity affects health care utilization, provider trust, and treatment choice. It is uncertain how these influences affect pediatric care. We performed a systematic review (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Cochrane, and…

Case Report

A 4-month-old infant with a past medical history of complex congenital heart disease and other life-limiting anomalies had been enrolled in hospice at the time of discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit at 5 weeks of age. Past…

This study was undertaken to determine which parental concerns are most associated with significant behavioral/emotional problems and the extent to which parents' concerns can be depended on in the detection of mental health problems. An additional…

Adolescent health problems are often undetected in physicians' offices. The Dartmouth Primary Care Cooperative Information Project has developed a validated and reliable approach to identify adolescent health problems and initiate education in a…

Legacy building interventions like plaster hand molds are offered in most children's hospitals, yet little is known about how the concept of legacy is understood and described by pediatric health care providers. Therefore, this study explored…

Clinicians face many challenges in caring for children with severe neurological impairment (SNI). This study aimed to understand expert clinician perspectives on the personal impact of caring for children with SNI to highlight the challenges and…

NO ABSTRACT PARAGRAPH 1: In hospitals around the nation, children with medical complexity (CMC) receive life-prolonging interventions for debilitating diseases. These children are alive because of disease-focused interventions including multiple…

OBJECTIVE: Care for children with medical complexity (CMC) relies on pediatricians who often are ill equipped, but striving to provide high quality care. We performed a needs assessment of pediatricians across diverse subspecialties at a tertiary…

Guidelines for management in the asymptomatic patient with a smooth-blunt gastric foreign body are not well established in the pediatric literature. Questionnaires were sent to pediatricians, family practitioners, pediatric gastroenterologists and…

OBJECTIVE: To determine factors associated with completion of recommended outpatient follow-up visits in children with complex chronic conditions (CCCs) following hospital discharge. METHODS: We retrospectively identified children aged 1 to 17 years…
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