Browse Items (14 total)

BACKGROUND: Communication with parents about end-of-life care and decisions is a difficult and sensitive process. The objective of the present study was to ascertain clinicians' views on the acceptability and usefulness of a handbook and web-based…

BACKGROUND: Written resources in adult intensive care have been shown to benefit families facing end of life (EoL) decisions. There are few resources for parents making EoL decisions for their child and no existing resources addressing ethical…

This paper considers clinician/parent communication difficulties noted by parents involved in end-of-life decision-making in the light of linguistic theory.

Grice's Cooperative Principle and associated maxims, which enable…

Most children who die in the UK have an underlying chronic illness, and the majority of these deaths take place in a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU).1 The overall community burden of paediatric chronic illness is increasing as the population…

Aim Death in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) commonly follows a decision to withdraw or limit life-sustaining treatment. Advances in medicine have changed the nature of life-sustaining interventions available and the potential prognosis for…

Severe congenital hydrocephalus manifests as accumulation of a large amount of excess fluid in the brain. It is a paradigmatic example of a condition in which diagnosis is relatively straightforward and long-term survival is usually associated with…

Perinatal palliative medicine is an emerging subspecialty within paediatric palliative medicine, neonatal medicine, fetal medicine and obstetrics. It comprises patient-focused, non-judgemental shared decision making and aims to provide holistic…

BACKGROUND: The British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) published a revised framework for perinatal management of extremely preterm infants (EPIs) in 2019. We aimed to assess UK neonatal professionals' interpretation of elements of this…

In perinatal medicine, the number of babies with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions is increasing and the benefits of providing palliative care with a holistic, interdisciplinary approach are well documented. It can be particularly…

Perinatal palliative care is an emerging branch of children's palliative care. This study sought to better understand the pattern of antenatal referrals and the role of a specialist paediatric palliative care (PPC) team in supporting families…

In this paper, we explore three separate questions that are relevant to assessing the prudential value of life in infants with severe life-limiting illness. First, what is the value or disvalue of a short life? Is it in the interests of a child to…

BACKGROUND: Decisions about treatments for extremely preterm infants (EPIs) born in the 'grey zone' of viability can be ethically complex. This 2020 survey aimed to determine views of UK neonatal staff about thresholds for treatment of EPIs given a…

BACKGROUND: The information needs of parents facing end-of-life decisions for their child are complex due to the wide-ranging dimensions within which such significant events unfold. While parents acknowledge that healthcare professionals are their…
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