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Family care is essential to pediatric nursing practice, as the entire family is affected by childhood illness. However, little is known about art making for therapeutic purposes and how art is used to better understand families' experiences. Our…
Clinicians fear pediatric advance care planning (pACP) for adolescents is too distressing for families. Multisite longitudinal randomized controlled trial of adolescents with HIV tested the effect of FAmily-CEntered (FACE(®)) pACP intervention on…
Relationship strains between families and providers can have intense repercussions on the bereavement experience. Little is known about how to define and differentiate relationships within various interpersonal contexts and how those families…
Traditionally, family-focused care extends to parents and siblings of children with life-limiting conditions. Only a few studies have focused on the needs of grandparents, who play an important role in the families of children with illness and with…
When a child dies in the intensive care unit, many bereaved parents want relationships with their child's health care staff to continue in the form of follow-up care. However, the nature of these relationships and how they change across the parents'…
Social consequences of raising children who were medically fragile and developmentally delayed (MF/DD) were explored in an ethnographic study of 20 families with school-age children. The overarching theme was the families' search for safety and…
The goal of this interpretive phenomenological study is to describe and understand significant habits and practices developed by families bereaved from the sudden and unexpected loss of their children. Data were primarily collected through the…
Telehealth is defined as the provision of health care via telecommunications wherever individuals are geographically separated. In this literature review, we explore the role of telehealth in family care. Telehealth has not been fully examined for…