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BACKGROUND: For families with children diagnosed with complex illnesses, the COVID-19 pandemic added many challenges. In order to mitigate inevitable disruptions in pediatric care settings, caregivers may need added supports and resources. The…

ABSTRACT Parents of seriously ill children face complex experiences for which support is valuable. We evaluated the Keeping Hope Possible Toolkit with 16 parental caregivers to assess feasibility and acceptability using a quasi-experimental design.…

Family care is essential to pediatric nursing practice, as the entire family is affected by childhood illness. However, little is known about art making for therapeutic purposes and how art is used to better understand families' experiences. Our…

BACKGROUND: Globally, many infants and children are diagnosed with illnesses that impose limitations on their well-being and life course trajectory. Children's care becomes the central focus of family life. Inadequate support for parents is…

BACKGROUND: The impact of a child s life-limiting or life-threatening illness is significant on parents who experience a great deal of emotional, physical, and spiritual upheaval. Hope has been identified as an important inner resource for parental…

PURPOSE: To conduct a metasynthesis of qualitative research exploring parents' psychosocial experiences during complex and traumatic life transitions related to caring for a child with a life-limiting (LLI) or life-threatening illness (LTI).…
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