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BACKGROUND: Information on the factors influencing parents' decision-making process following a lethal, life-limiting or severely debilitating prenatal diagnosis remains deficient. A comprehensive systematic review and meta-synthesis was conducted to…
A. Antonovsky (1987) defined the sense of coherence (SOC) as the ability to perceive a stressor as comprehensible, manageable, and meaningful. In this prospective study of pregnant women, the authors tested the relationships between the SOC in early…
Healthcare professionals' psychological involvement in perinatal loss is a largely overlooked subject by healthcare systems, scientific research and prevention policies. A systematic scientific review has been carried out about emotional experiences,…
OBJECTIVE: To examine the opinions of a perinatal health team regarding decisions related to late termination of pregnancy and severely ill newborns. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An anonymous questionnaire was administered to physicians, social workers,…
Purpose of study Advances in fetal medicine have increased referrals to tertiary perinatal care centers. NRP guidelines recommend that only neonates with anencephaly and less than. 400 grams are not to be resuscitated. In 2015, Oklahoma passed a law…
Much of the discussion since the Arthur case has centred round the rights of handicapped infants to medical treatment. Little has centred round the question of how far one person can rightly be required to sacrifice her life for another, when she has…