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INTRODUCTION: Siblings share a lifelong bond in their relationship, and they may choose to provide support to their brother or sister with a neurodisability. Previous reviews summarised programmes that only focused on the behavioural, emotional and…
BACKGROUND An increasing number of children have complex care needs (CCN) that impact their health and cause limitations in their lives. More of these youth are transitioning from pediatric to adult healthcare due to complex conditions being…
Introduction Multimorbidity, the co-occurrence of a chronic physical condition and mental disorder, affects a substantial number of children and youth and can lead to compromised quality of life, hardship for families, and an increased burden on the…
Engaging patients and family members as partners in research studies has become a widespread practice in healthcare. However, relatively little has been documented about what happens after the research study ends. For example, is patient and family…
INTRODUCTION: Transition from paediatric to adult care is a complex process, which poses significant challenges for adolescents with chronic physical and mental illnesses. For many, transfer to adult care is associated with poor health and…
Background For youth with medical complexity and their families, the transition to adulthood is a stressful and disruptive period that is further complicated by the transfer from relatively integrated and familiar pediatric services to more…
Introduction Youth with brain-based disabilities (BBDs), as well as their parents/caregivers, often feel ill-prepared for the transfer from paediatric to adult healthcare services. To address this pressing issue, we developed the MyREADY TransitionTM…
Introduction As adolescents with neurodisabilities near adulthood, they and their caregivers will face the challenge of transferring from paediatric to adult healthcare systems. Despite the growing number of programmes designed to support healthcare…
The transition to adulthood is a developmental phase which occurs as young people move from adolescence into adulthood. Young people with disabilities, including cerebral palsy (CP), and their families have reported challenges during the transition…
OBJECTIVE: To describe development of mobility and self-care capabilities in young children (aged 1-4 years) with cerebral palsy, and to examine whether the development of mobility and self-care capabilities differs by cerebral palsy severity in…
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between goal achievement measured by the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM) and child, goal, and intervention factors. Participants were 41 preschool children with cerebral palsy…
BACKGROUND: Transition to adulthood is a significant development process experienced by all youth. Since the mid 1990s, researchers at the CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research have been studying this process to assist transitioning youth…