Browse Items (45 total)

Abstract Background Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a chronic, life-threatening condition that results in life-long morbidity and premature mortality. CF has a significant impact on healthy siblings' adaptation and well-being. Siblings of patients with a…

Examined the function of The Compassionate Friends (TCF), a self-help group for effective intervention in the severe bereavement after the death of a child, using a participant observation research method. Three decisions form the framework of the…

Abstract Perinatal loss is a devastating event for any mother. What is often overlooked is a mothers continued ability to lactate following the death of her child. Donor breast milk is a commodity highly sought after given its value for feeding sick…

AIMS: To evaluate how nurses cope with the death of a paediatric patient, relate it to the different sociodemographic variables, and to describe personal coping strategies used by nurses in managing the process and accepting the death of the patient.…
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