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OBJECTIVE: Pediatric health systems are increasingly screening caregivers for unmet social needs. However, it remains unclear how best to connect families with unmet needs to available and appropriate community resources. We aimed to explore…
INTRODUCTION: Bereavement care for parents predominantly focuses on care after child loss. However, Health Care Professionals (HCPs) feel responsible for supporting parents who are grieving losses in their child's end-of-life. Preloss care is…
OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between care coordination experiences of family caregivers of children with medical complexity (CMC) and caregivers' health-related quality of life (HR-QOL). METHODS: From July 2018 to July 2019, family…
Background: Previous studies of pediatric residents have identified educational gaps in caring for children with medical complexity. Training opportunities in complex care vary across residency programs. Defining core curricular topics in complex…
Objective Serious pediatric illness places great stress on families. Parents who learn coping skills may better manage these stressors. This study sought to develop and refine a stress coping intervention for parents of hospitalized children, assess…
OBJECTIVE: Because children with medical complexity (CMC) display very different health trajectories, needs, and resource utilization than other children, it is unclear how well traditional conceptions of population health apply to CMC. We sought to…
BACKGROUND: Advances in human development sciences point to tremendous possibilities to promote healthy child development and well-being across life by proactively supporting safe, stable and nurturing family relationships (SSNRs), teaching…