Awareness of pediatric palliative care among health care workers
Awareness of pediatric palliative care among health care workers
Detsyk OZ; Zolotarova ZM; Stovban IV; Melnyk RM
Wiadomosci lekarskie
clinical competence; education; palliative therapy; pediatrics; attitude to health; child; health care personnel; human; psychology; questionnaire; Ukraine
Introduction: In order to develop such a relatively new type of medical care in Ukraine, as pediatric palliative care, first of all, qualified medical workers are needed. The aim: to assess the awareness of pediatric palliative care among healthcare workers providing medical services to children.Materials and methods: It was carried out a survey at health facilities of Ivano-Frankivsk region, which provided medical care for children. It was interviewed 578 healthcare workers, among them were generally practitioners - 131, primary care pediatricians - 52, pediatricians-specialists - 36, health care managers - 78, nurses - 281. The half of the respondents (57.2%) had work experience more than 20 years.Results: It was established that every fourth respondent (25.3%) did not know what is mean of pediatric palliative care. At the same time, the main object of its delivery was considered to be patients with cancer (71.5%), and not with incurable chronic diseases (54.8%). Only 59.7% of respondents knew that palliative care (PC) should begin with the diagnosis of an incurable disease, and not at the end of life, as well as half (52.6%) of them knew that the relatives of seriously ill children are object of PC. The majority of respondents recognized the lack of their knowledge of pediatric palliative care (85.8%). All answers differed depending on the position of respondents (p%#60;0.05). However, regardless of this, almost all respondents (94.5%) expressed their desire to receive proper knowledge of pediatric palliative care.Conclusion: It was established lack of knowledge on pediatric palliative care among medical workers served children. The majority of respondents recognized the lack and need of knowledge on pediatric palliative care. Overall level of knowledge among healthcare workers about palliative care was poor, and it is necessary to improve it.
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Citation List Month
October 2018 List
Detsyk OZ; Zolotarova ZM; Stovban IV; Melnyk RM, “Awareness of pediatric palliative care among health care workers,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 19, 2025,