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Objectives: 1. Explain the association between household material hardship and distress in parents of children with advanced cancer. 2. Propose how housing insecurity can be modified for families of children with advanced cancer through providing…
BackgroundRacial and ethnic minority children with cancer disproportionately receive intensive care at the end of life (EOL). It is not known whether these differences are goal-concordant or disparities. The authors sought to explore patterns of…
CONTEXT: Parents of patients with a serious illness experience psychological distress, which impacts parents' wellbeing and, potentially, their ability to care for their children. Parent psychological distress may be influenced by children's symptom…
PURPOSE: Poverty is correlated with negative health outcomes in pediatric primary care and subspecialties; its association with childhood HSCT patterns of care and clinical outcomes is not known. We describe family-reported financial hardship at a…
CONTEXT: Despite emerging evidence of substantial financial distress in families of children with complex illness, little is known about economic hardship in families of children with advanced cancer. OBJECTIVES: To describe perceived financial…
Abbreviations:EOL — end of lifePPC — pediatric palliative careThe importance of pediatric palliative care (PPC) for children with cancer has been broadly embraced over the last 2 decades in response to compelling evidence of high symptom burden and…