Turning Water into Wine: A New Community Pharmacy Workforce Delivering Paediatric Palliative Care Services Across Scotland


Turning Water into Wine: A New Community Pharmacy Workforce Delivering Paediatric Palliative Care Services Across Scotland


McCusker K


Journal of Pain and Symptom Management




infant; hospice; nursing theory; heart; palliative therapy; major clinical study; funding; conference abstract; human; child; health care delivery; pharmacy; Scotland; water; wine; workforce; 7732-18-5 (water); community pharmacist; stakeholder engagement; summer


Background: A ground breaking paediatric palliative care study in Scotland in 2015 identified that 15,400 babies, children and young people (BCYP) with life-limiting conditions required input from palliative care services, significantly higher than previously thought. Innovative and transformational approaches to palliative care need to be investigated if services are to meet demand. To this end, a Paediatric Palliative Care Community Pharmacy Network was conceptualised to deliver medicines optimisation to BCYP and improve access to specialist palliative care medication thereby improving patient outcomes. This pioneering new model of care unlocks the clinical capacity of community pharmacists and capitalises on their unique reach across Scotland to deliver palliative care services deep into the heart of all communities. Furthermore, this shift from the traditional medical and nursing models of palliative care will provide sustainable and affordable services and reduce the burden on the already stretched hospital and hospice services.

Citation List Month

February 2019 List



McCusker K, “Turning Water into Wine: A New Community Pharmacy Workforce Delivering Paediatric Palliative Care Services Across Scotland,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 19, 2025, https://pedpalascnetlibrary.omeka.net/items/show/16028.