Current Grief Support in Pediatric Palliative Care


Current Grief Support in Pediatric Palliative Care


Schuelke T; Crawford C; Kentor R; Eppelheimer H; Chipriano C; Springmeyer K; Shukraft A; Hill M






bereavement; death; grief; hospice; hospital; palliative; pediatric; programing; support; thanatology


Grief support changes as more is learned from current grief theory and research. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of current grief support as it relates to Pediatric Palliative Care (PPC). The following aspects of grief are addressed: (1) anticipatory grief: the nondeath losses that occur with a complex and chronic illness, as well as the time leading up to death; (2) grief around the time of death: the intense and sacred experience of companioning with a dying child; (3) grief after death: supporting bereavement and mourning through programing and other methods; (4) innovative approaches: the future of grief support. The contents of this article are meant to support and educate programs currently providing grief services and those aiming to begin the meaningful work of grief support.


Article information provided for research and reference use only. PedPalASCNET does not hold any rights over the resource listed here. All rights are retained by the journal listed under publisher and/or the creator(s).

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June 2021 List



Schuelke T; Crawford C; Kentor R; Eppelheimer H; Chipriano C; Springmeyer K; Shukraft A; Hill M, “Current Grief Support in Pediatric Palliative Care,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 17, 2025,