Comparison of Problematic Behavior According to the Ryouiku Techou Standard
Comparison of Problematic Behavior According to the Ryouiku Techou Standard
Uesugi M; Inoue Y; Gotou M; Nanba Y; Otani Y; Takemasa S
Journal of Physical Therapy Science
Rehabilitation; Problematic behavior; Ryouiku Techou; The Japanese version of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist; behavioral problems; Mowat-Wilson syndrome; Pena Shokeir syndrome; tuberous sclerosis; West syndrome; trajectory; characteristics; stereotyped behaviors; lethargy
[Purpose] We compared problematic behaviors of children according to the severity of their mental retardation (MR) of intellect as categorized by the Ryouiku Techou in this study, to investigate the influence of MR of intellect on children's problematic behaviors. [Subjects] The subjects were 86 mentally retarded children undergoing physical therapy at hospitals and other facilities. [Methods] The examiners were 13 physical therapists and 8 occupational therapists who worked at the hospital and knew the children well. The examiners individually assessed the subjects using the Japanese version of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist. The subjects were divided into two groups (A and non-A) according to the Ryouiku Techou standard. [Results] No significant differences were observed between the groups except in the items of stereotypy and lethargy. [Conclusion] Problematic behaviors other than stereotypy and lethargy were not influenced by the Ryouiku Techou standard.
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URL Address
Uesugi M; Inoue Y; Gotou M; Nanba Y; Otani Y; Takemasa S, “Comparison of Problematic Behavior According to the Ryouiku Techou Standard,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 9, 2025,