Good death term in the aspect of paediatric palliative care nursing


Good death term in the aspect of paediatric palliative care nursing


Ozkan S; Tas Arslan F


Cogent Medicine. Conference: 11th Annual Excellence in Pediatrics Conference. Denmark.




good death; nursing; pediatric palliative care


Introduction: When faced with serious illness and the possibility of a child's death, a family experiences many uncertainties and traumatic experiences. The expected normal order of life is significantly disrupted, and a diagnosis of a life-threatening or life-limiting illness can greatly alter family functioning and overall well-being. The importance of addressing a child and their family members' physical, emotional, cultural, spiritual, and psychosocial needs has been well documented in pediatric palliative care. Discussion(s): Death is one of the main threats for a human being. It is usually seen as an adult or geriatric populations' problem, so the idea of "children and babies may die, too" is mostly avoided or prohibited from talking by societies, families, health-care professionals, etc. And all of these children and families suffer from during end of life or/and bereavement process. To stop these nurses and other health-care professionals are important to deliver care in the aspect of good death. Good death or die with dignity for child and their families contain 'free from avoidable distress and suffering for patients, families, and caregivers; in general accord with patients' and families' wishes; and reasonably consistent with clinical, cultural and ethical standards in terminal illnesses'. In other words, freedom from distressing symptoms, dying in a favorite place, good relationships with family members and medical staff, a feeling that the dying person's life is complete, maintained dignity, preparation for death were also other parts of a good death. To ensure good end for pediatric palliative care, nurses should take advanced nursing practices and responsibilities, but this is not simple because this aspect of nursing is not given by education, neither undergraduate nor post-graduate education. Nursing education at the undergraduate level is mainly based on the medical model. Therefore, while students are receiving detailed information about the protection, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of diseases, and they have a limited education on the end of life. As a result, the student nurses and nurses do not want to care for the individual who has a terminal illness, do not feel ready for them, feel a sense of inadequacy, and the care of the patient and his/her family is negatively affected. So education should be planned end of life care, a good death, and palliative care to stop possible negative effects.


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Ozkan S; Tas Arslan F, “Good death term in the aspect of paediatric palliative care nursing,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed May 5, 2024,