Polysomnographic recordings of respiratory disturbances in Rett syndrome


Polysomnographic recordings of respiratory disturbances in Rett syndrome


Schluter B; Aguigah G; Buschatz D; Trowitzsch E; Aksu F


Journal of Sleep Research




adolescent; respiratory tract disease; priority journal; school child; human; female; case report; conference paper; Disorder of respiratory control; Hyperventilation; Polygraphic recording; polysomnography; Rett syndrome; Rett syndrome/di [Diagnosis]; breathing difficulties; trajectory; characteristics; hypocapnia; apnea


Polygraphic recordings in the awake state and during sleep were performed in two girls with Rett syndrome, aged 9 y and 17 y, in order to characterize the clinically manifest breathing disorder of these patients. Primary hyperventilation was detected, leading to hypocapnia and compensatory apnoea. Hypoxaemia occurred as the consequence of prolonged apnoea. In the younger patient these disturbances were observed only in the awake state, whereas in the older patient they were found in the awake state and during sleep.


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Schluter B; Aguigah G; Buschatz D; Trowitzsch E; Aksu F, “Polysomnographic recordings of respiratory disturbances in Rett syndrome,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed May 2, 2024, https://pedpalascnetlibrary.omeka.net/items/show/16800.