A Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care: Based on National Principles and Norms of Practice (2002)


A Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care: Based on National Principles and Norms of Practice (2002)


Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association




A Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care: Based on National Principles and Norms of Practice (the Norms) was first released in 2002. Over more than ten years, the field has enthusiastically embraced the norms, using them to develop programs that provide high quality comprehensive person and family-centred hospice palliative care. In 2013, the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA) established an expert advisory committee to review and revise the Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care to reflect current practice and experience. The document has been streamlined to focus on the principles and Norms and provide only the most used information. The Norms have been revised to emphasize those aspects of care and organization that are unique to hospice palliative care. The goal is the same: to provide consistent high quality care for all Canadians with lifelimiting illnesses. We encourage hospice palliative care programs and professionals to continue to use A Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care: Based on National Principles and Norms of Practice to guide their activities. The CHPCA will continue to develop and identify tools and resources to help palliative care programs and professionals apply the Norms in their practice and in their organizations. In an effort to streamline this process, all additional resources will be available at
www.chpca.net/norms instead of as an appendix to this document.


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Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association, “A Model to Guide Hospice Palliative Care: Based on National Principles and Norms of Practice (2002),” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed May 5, 2024, https://pedpalascnetlibrary.omeka.net/items/show/12599.