Listen to our voice!' using co-creation and art-based methods to explore the welfare and wellbeing of siblings of children with life-limiting conditions


Listen to our voice!' using co-creation and art-based methods to explore the welfare and wellbeing of siblings of children with life-limiting conditions


Dunbar H; Hart T; de Vries K


Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties




art; school; sibling; voice; wellbeing; Coping Strategy Questionnaire; England; United Kingdom; adolescent; adult; article; awareness; care behavior; child; clinical article; coping; diagnosis; female; friend; human; male; patient worry; perception; personal experience; physiological stress; teacher


Sibling of children with a life-limiting condition (LLC) face challenge. Yet there is relatively little research specifically investigating the psychosocial impact on siblings living with a child with an LLC. A qualitative participatory methodology helped explore the experiences of nine siblings, aged 6-16, of children with an LLC: their perception of their wellbeing, coping strategies and needs, in England, UK. Data were gathered through an amalgamation of creative art activity and focus group audiotaped discussion. Three themes were identified; 'dealing with uncertainty and stress'; 'coping with being different', and 'spill over between home and school'. Despite the adversity, these children experienced, because of caring responsibilities and worry about their sibling with LLC, they demonstrated resilience and maturity. They did, however, experience schooling challenges and found making friends difficult. They felt school could help if teacher awareness was promoted and they had assistance in connecting to peers with shared life experiences.<br/>Copyright &#xa9; 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.


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November List 2024



Dunbar H; Hart T; de Vries K, “Listen to our voice!' using co-creation and art-based methods to explore the welfare and wellbeing of siblings of children with life-limiting conditions,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 16, 2025,