A protocol for neoWONDER: Neonatal whole population data linkage to improve long-term health and wellbeing of preterm and sick babies


A protocol for neoWONDER: Neonatal whole population data linkage to improve long-term health and wellbeing of preterm and sick babies


van Blankenstein E; Aveline A; Battersby C


PLoS One




cause of death; pediatric intensive care unit; Male; Infant Newborn; Humans; necrotizing enterocolitis; gestational age; Wales; Female; Infant Premature; Information Storage and Retrieval; England; Databases Factual; Article; newborn; newborn care; epidemiology; major clinical study; hospital discharge; cohort analysis; health care utilization; mortality rate; wellbeing; prematurity; hospital readmission; human; female; male; adult; length of stay; information retrieval; behavior change; breast feeding; breast milk; factual database; educational status; developmental delay; congenital diaphragm hernia; propensity score; newborn surgery; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; premature labor; place of birth; community mental health; date of birth; esophagus atresia; gastroschisis; Hirschsprung disease; newborn assessment; routinely collected health data; school attendance


Introduction Early-life medical and surgical interventions in babies born preterm and/or with surgical conditions influence later life health and educational outcomes. Obtaining long-term outcomes post-discharge to evaluate the impact of interventions is complex, expensive, and burdensome to families. Linkage of routinely collected data offers a feasible and cost-effective solution. The NeoWONDER research programme aims to describe the short and long-term health and educational outcomes for babies born preterm and/or with surgical conditions and evaluate the impact of neonatal care and interventions on later health and educational outcomes. Methods and analysis We will include babies who received care in neonatal units in England and Wales, born between 2007-2020 with a gestational age below 32 weeks (approximately 100,000), and/ or born between 2012-2020 (all gestations) with any of six surgical conditions: necrotising enterocolitis, Hirschsprung's disease, gastroschisis, oesophageal atresia, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and posterior urethral valves (approximately 8,000). A detailed list of surgical condition codes is shown in S3 File. We will obtain long-term health and education outcomes through linkage of the National Neonatal Research Database, which contains routine data for all babies admitted to NHS neonatal units, to other existing health and educational datasets. For England, these are: Hospital Episode Statistics, the Office for National Statistics, Mental Health Services Dataset, Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network, National Pupil Database; and for Wales, the Secure Anonymised Information Linkage databank. Analysis will be undertaken on de-identified linked datasets. Outcomes of interest for health include mortality, hospital admissions, diagnoses indicative of neurodisability and/or chronic illness, health care utilisation; and for education are attainment (using national curriculum assessments), school absence and special educational needs status. © 2024 van Blankenstein et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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September List 2024



van Blankenstein E; Aveline A; Battersby C, “A protocol for neoWONDER: Neonatal whole population data linkage to improve long-term health and wellbeing of preterm and sick babies,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 11, 2025, https://pedpalascnetlibrary.omeka.net/items/show/19740.