Psychiatry and interdisciplinary pediatric palliative care: a scoping review
Psychiatry and interdisciplinary pediatric palliative care: a scoping review
Cress AE
Annals of Palliative Medicine
Humans; Child; Palliative Care; Adolescent; Young Adult; Medical Oncology; psychology; Palliative Caremethods; Psychiatry; Advance Care Planning; psychiatry; pediatric palliative care (PPC); Neoplasmspsychology; Psychiatry; adolescents and young adults (AYAs); Interdisciplinary palliative care (interdisciplinary PC)
BACKGROUND: Current literature highlights the need for psychological support of adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with serious illness, for which pediatric palliative care (PPC) teams are often responsible. This scoping review aims to inventory the most current literature based on discipline, geography, population, methodology, and themes among interdisciplinary PPC teams and the management of psychological distress in AYAs. METHODS: Using a scoping review design, a protocol was registered in Open Science Framework ( Sources for evidence included online databases (Scopus, PubMed, Embase, PsycInfo, CINAHL), Google Scholar, clinical manuals, texts, national organization webpages, and reference lists, all searched June, 2023. Interviews with content experts and authors identified additional sources. Those describing interdisciplinary palliative care (PC) and management of psychological/psychiatric distress in seriously ill AYAs, written in English, and completed in the U.S. between 2018-2023 were included. International citations were included if American literature was reviewed, or if authors described internationally developed PC standards by which American providers must practice. Clear and comprehensive data charting was completed by an independent reviewer, using a deductive approach with a standardized data-charting form developed prior to extraction. RESULTS: Sixty-five references met inclusion criteria. Psychologists most frequently published in the past 5 years regarding integration of their care into palliative teams. Authors wrote from eastern U.S., qualitatively studying the PC team in the oncology space. Of eight themes identified, barriers, facilitators, and interventions were most frequently reported. CONCLUSIONS: Role delineation among PPC teams can be difficult in the management of psychological distress, due to lack of training and consistent collaboration models among cancer and non-cancer populations. Current literature highlights a large gap in psychological/psychiatric training. However, optimized pain control, routine screening of distress, open/honest/developmentally appropriate communication, and early advance care planning are interventions by which palliative providers can begin managing psychological distress in seriously ill AYAs. While the presence of psychologists and psychiatrists is widely variable among PPC teams, their expertise can vastly advance the field of PC, through collaboration, education, research, and advocacy.
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Cress AE, “Psychiatry and interdisciplinary pediatric palliative care: a scoping review,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 17, 2025,