The Role of Pediatric Palliative Care Following Nonaccidental Trauma
The Role of Pediatric Palliative Care Following Nonaccidental Trauma
Henderson TG; Graff AH; Thorvilson MJ
Journal of Palliative Medicine
Palliative Care; pediatric palliative care; pediatric hospice care; nonaccidental trauma; pediatric hospital palliative care
All children experiencing child maltreatment/neglect require child abuse experts to offer the complex care needed, and for the child with potential life-limiting injuries, both child abuse and palliative care experts are integral to the team. The current literature describes the involvement of child abuse pediatrics after patients are already engaged with pediatric palliative care (PPC). Here we describe a case of an infant who suffered injuries after nonaccidental trauma (NAT) and the subsequent role of PPC. In the case described, PPC was consulted in the context of a grave neurological prognosis after NAT. The mother retained full decision-making rights, and she wanted to protect her daughter from a life dependent on others and medical technology. Our team supported the mother in the face of multiple layers of loss-her daughter, her relationship with the perpetrator, her home, and the threat of job loss due to time away.
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Citation List Month
September List 2023
URL Address
Henderson TG; Graff AH; Thorvilson MJ, “The Role of Pediatric Palliative Care Following Nonaccidental Trauma,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 18, 2025,