Emotional Wellbeing in Adolescents Living With Chronic Conditions: A Metasynthesis of the Qualitative Literature


Emotional Wellbeing in Adolescents Living With Chronic Conditions: A Metasynthesis of the Qualitative Literature


Courtwright SE; Le Pard A; Jones J


Journal of Adolescent Health




Adolescents; Anxiety; Depression; Mental health; Pediatrics; Positive health assets; Psychological wellbeing; Subjective wellbeing; Suicide; Teen


Adolescents living with chronic conditions (ALWCCs) are at a higher risk of suicide (odds ratio: 4.3) than their peers. No consensus exists in the scientific community on a definition or conceptual elements of emotional well-being in this vulnerable population, hindering informed interventional research. This study investigated the meaning of emotional well-being in ALWCCs. A systematic metasynthesis of the qualitative literature was performed and structured using ENTREQ guidelines for reporting qualitative metasynthesis. A final sample of 11 primary qualitative studies met inclusion criteria and was critically analyzed using a team-based thematic synthesis and reciprocal translation approach. The meaning of emotional well-being in ALWCCs is having positive relationships that ease loss, foster hope and resilience, and promote self-efficacy and self-actualization. The role of healthcare providers as a safe, stable nurturing relationship which promotes hope and positive body image emerges an area for future research. Spirituality as it relates to emotional well-being in this population is scarce in the qualitative literature and should be further explored.

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April 2022 List



Courtwright SE; Le Pard A; Jones J, “Emotional Wellbeing in Adolescents Living With Chronic Conditions: A Metasynthesis of the Qualitative Literature,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed January 19, 2025, https://pedpalascnetlibrary.omeka.net/items/show/18017.