Palliative Care Referral Patterns for Adolescent and Young Adult Patients at a Comprehensive Cancer Center
Palliative Care Referral Patterns for Adolescent and Young Adult Patients at a Comprehensive Cancer Center
Lockwood B J; Ntukidem O L; Ehrman S E; Schnell P M; Klemanski D L; Bhatnagar B; Lustberg M
Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology
palliative care; supportive care; cancer care continuum; referral patterns; symptom burden
Palliative care (PC) serves a valuable role throughout the disease trajectory for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) living with cancer. A 3-year retrospective chart review was performed to characterize AYA PC referral patterns in patients aged 18-39 years to identify strategies for improving PC access. Despite known benefits, AYA referrals to PC during oncologic treatment occurred only for a small percentage of eligible patients (8.4%), largely occurred in the inpatient setting (73%), and were more likely in specific cancer types with high symptom burden and/or poor survival, with the greatest penetrance noted in lung cancer (51%).
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Oncology 2020 List
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Lockwood B J; Ntukidem O L; Ehrman S E; Schnell P M; Klemanski D L; Bhatnagar B; Lustberg M, “Palliative Care Referral Patterns for Adolescent and Young Adult Patients at a Comprehensive Cancer Center,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 9, 2025,