A music therapy model for pre-bereavement resiliency development in informal hospice caregivers: A grounded theory study.
A music therapy model for pre-bereavement resiliency development in informal hospice caregivers: A grounded theory study.
Potvin N
n/a; link
Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences And Engineering
Caregivers; Hospice; Music Therapy; Bereavement
This study was an exploratory inquiry into the role of music therapy for pre-bereaved informal hospice caregivers. Pre-bereavement has been an area of increased scholarly and clinical focus across multiple healthcare fields over the past decade, and a nascent area of interest in music therapy. The purpose of this study was to expand the existing knowledge base of what pre-bereavement needs are present for informal hospice caregivers, which of those needs were addressed in music, and the process by which music therapy addressed those needs. A constructivist grounded theory approach using situational analysis was used to establish an emergent, developing theoretical model about how music therapy can be most effective and meaningful for pre-bereaved caregivers. Fourteen currently bereaved informal caregivers who experienced joint music therapy sessions with the care recipient were interviewed about their pre-bereavement needs, which of those were addressed by music therapy, and how music therapy assisted in those areas of need. Analysis of this data resulted in a model of pre-bereavement resiliency development in informal hospice caregivers. Caregivers are at risk of losing touch with the meaning attached to their pre-illness relationship with the care recipient (e.g., spouse, parent or child), and music therapy is able to facilitate a clinical process whereby caregivers are able to reconnect with being spouse, parent or child. Once this connection is established, caregivers experience increased resilience in the face of daily caregiver responsibilities and challenges. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved)
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Citation List Month
December 2017 List
Potvin N, “A music therapy model for pre-bereavement resiliency development in informal hospice caregivers: A grounded theory study.,” Pediatric Palliative Care Library, accessed February 19, 2025, https://pedpalascnetlibrary.omeka.net/items/show/11088.