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During periviable deliveries, parents are confronted with overwhelming and challenging decisions. This study aimed to qualitatively explore the language that pregnant women and important others utilize when discussing palliation, or "comfort care,"…
Many centres now report that more than half of babies born at 22 weeks survive and most survivors are neurocognitively intact. Still, many centres do not offer life-sustaining treatment to babies born this prematurely. Arguments for not offering…
BACKGROUND: Values clarification can assist families facing the threat of periviable delivery in navigating the complexity of competing values related to death, disability, and quality of life (QOL). OBJECTIVE: We piloted values clarification…
Objective: To describe levels of perceived shared decision making (SDM), decisional conflict (DC), and decision regret (DR) in prenatal counseling by pregnant women, partners, neonatologists, and obstetricians regarding decision-making around…
During periviable deliveries, parents are confronted with overwhelming and challenging decisions. This study aimed to qualitatively explore the language that pregnant women and important others utilize when discussing palliation, or "comfort care,"…
Babies born at the limit of viability have a high risk of morbidity and mortality. Despite great advances in science, the approach to these newborns remains challenging. Thus, this study reviewed the literature regarding the treatment of newborns at…