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Tags: 2018, Adult, Article, assisted ventilation, Barbara D, Baumann-Hölzle R, Berger TM, Bmc Pediatrics, Brigitte S, Bucher HU, Controlled Study, enteric feeding, Fauchère JC, Female, Gudrun J, Hendriks MJ, hospital policy, Human, Infant Mortality, Jean-Claude F, Kai R, Klein SD, Legal Aspect, Liliane S, Magali C, Male, Mathias N, Matthias R, Medical Decision Making, Medical Practice, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Neonatal Nurse, Neonatologist, nurse attitude, October 2018 List, Patient Participation, Philipp M, Physician Attitude, Prematurity, Questionnaire, Religion, Renate I, Riccardo P, Roland N, Ruth D, September 2018 List, Streuli JC, Switzerland, Terminal Care, Ulrike S, work experience
Tags: 2017, Anestezi Dergisi, Clinical Decision Making, Communication Skill, Ethical Decision Making, Family Attitude, History, Human, January 2018 List, Medical Ethics, Morality, Newborn, Newborn Care, newborn period, nurse attitude, Palliative Therapy, Perinatal Care, Physician Attitude, Review, Terminal Care, Turkcapar AF
Tags: 2018, Adult, Article, Awareness, Benini F, Brugnaro L, Child, Cross-sectional Study, Dying, Female, health care planning, Human, Human Rights, Italy, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Lazzarin P, Likert scale, Major Clinical Study, Male, Marinelli E, May List 2024, Multicenter Study, nurse attitude, Only Child, Orzalesi M, Patient Right, Pediatric Hospital, Pediatrics, postgraduate education, Quality Of Life, Questionnaire, ward, work experience
Tags: 2024, Adiguzel G, Article, Attitude, attitude scale, Baykal T, Burnout, Cesarean Section, Child, Clinician, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Studies, Cross-sectional Study, Death Anxiety Scale, Dizdar EA, fear of death, Female, Hospital Bed Capacity, Human, Infant Newborn, July List 2024, Kayademir N, Male, Mutlu DK, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Newborn, Newborn Intensive Care, Nurse, nurse attitude, OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Terzioglu F, Tozlu G, Uslu-Sahan F