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Tags: 2017, Aggression, anxiety disorder/dm [Disease Management], Article, attention disturbance/dm [Disease Management], behavioral problems, brain atrophy/dm [Disease Management], characteristics, Child, Child Behavior, childhood disease/dm [Disease Management], Clinical Article, Comorbidity, daily life activity, delinquency, depression/dm [Disease Management], Disease Severity, drug resistant epilepsy/dm [Disease Management], drug resistant epilepsy/dr [Drug Resistance], Emotion, Eom S, Female, Human, intellectual impairment/dm [Disease Management], Intelligence, Intelligence Quotient, lactic acidosis/dm [Disease Management], Lee Y M, Leigh disease/dm [Disease Management], Leigh syndrome, Male, MELAS syndrome, MELAS syndrome/dm [Disease Management], mitochondrial disorders, muscle disease/dm [Disease Management], nervous system development, neuroimaging, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, Parental Stress, Pediatric Neurology, postnatal depression/dm [Disease Management], Preschool Child, Priority Journal, problem behavior/dm [Disease Management], Prognosis, psychomotor development, Quality Of Life, sleep disorder/dm [Disease Management], social problem, somatization/dm [Disease Management], thinking impairment/dm [Disease Management], Trajectory