Browse Items (44 total)

Background: Around 200,000 pediatric clients are diagnosed with cancer each year globally. Majority (84%) of cancer cases are found in developing countries with 20% average survival rate (Ferlay et al, 2012). Two-thirds of pediatric oncology clients…

Program Goals: Despite the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME) mandatory requirement for the incorporation of end-of-life care education into medical school curriculum, very few studies have reported successful approaches, and…

Background: Despite advances in medical technology, resources for pediatric palliative care (PPC) for children with serious illnesses are limited in South Korea. Physicians' awareness of and willingness to provide general palliative care and refer to…

The Photographs of Meaning Program for pediatric palliative caregivers (POM-PPCG) is an innovative, meaning-based intervention utilizing photovoice and social media components. In 2017, 9 pediatric palliative caregivers participated in this…
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