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- Tags: anamnesis
Pediatric leukodystrophies: The role of the otolaryngologist
Tags: 1309378-01-5 (botulinum toxin A), 1638949-86-6 (botulinum toxin A), 1800016-51-6 (botulinum toxin A), 2017, 93384-43-1 (botulinum toxin A), Adolescent, Adult, Aicardi-Goutières syndrome, anamnesis, Article, aspiration pneumonia, Assessment, Bernard G, botulinum toxin A/dt [Drug Therapy], breathing difficulties, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Cohort Analysis, Comorbidity, Daniel S J, Drool, drooling, Dysphagia, feeding difficulties, head and neck disease, hearing impairment, Human, hypersalivation/su [Surgery], International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Kay-Rivest E, Khendek L, Krabbe disease, Leukodystrophy, leukodystrophy/dt [Drug Therapy], nose feeding, otolaryngologist, Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease, physical examination, Physician Attitude, Priority Journal, Quality Of Life, quality of life assessment, Questionnaire, sleep disturbance, stomach tube, Trajectory, x-linked adreno-leukodystrophy
Sleep abnormalities in untreated patients with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI
Tags: 2011, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, anamnesis, apnea, Article, Azevedo A C, Barrios P, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Clinical Feature, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Dalcin P, disease association, Disease Severity, Doppler echocardiography, Fagondes S, Female, Giugliani R, Glycosaminoglycans, Human, John A, Lysosomal storage diseases, lysosome storage disease, macroglossia, Male, Maroteaux Lamy syndrome, Menna-Barreto S, Morquio syndrome, MPSVI, Mucopolysaccharidosis, oxygen saturation, oxygen/ec [Endogenous Compound], physical examination, pigeon thorax, Polysomnography, Preschool Child, Prevalence, Priority Journal, Prospective Study, pulmonary hypertension, Schwartz I, Sleep apnea, sleep apnea syndrome/di [Diagnosis], sleep disorder, snoring, Trajectory, witnessed apnea