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Clinical guidelines aimed at cancer care for adolescents and young adults (AYAs) encour-age early integration of palliative care, yet there are scarce data to support these recommendations. We conducted a retrospective chart review of AYA patients,…
BACKGROUND: Age-related complex medical conditions have been commonly reported among adolescents and young adults with advanced life-limiting illness. There is increasing interest in exploring their palliative care needs and end-of-life experiences.…
PURPOSE: The aims of this study are to describe the attitudes and referral practices of pediatric oncologists (POs) to specialized palliative care (SPC), and to compare them with those of adult oncologists (AOs). METHODS: Canadian members of the…
To determine whether modern medicine is facilitating 'good' deaths, appropriate measures of the quality of dying and death must be developed and utilized. The purpose of this paper is to identify quality of dying and death measurement tools and to…
PURPOSE: This study examines the rate and prediction of referral for specialized psychosocial oncology care in 326 patients with metastatic GI or lung cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Referral information was abstracted from medical records and hospital…
Terminally ill patients and their families are often referred to as being "in denial" of impending death. This study uses the qualitative method of discourse analysis to investigate the usage of the term "denial" in the contemporary hospice and…