Browse Items (237 total)

A systematic review was conducted to appraise and classify evidence related to the life transitions of adolescents and young adults with life-limiting conditions.

The databases searched were MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, CancerLit, and…

The Pediatric Palliative and Comfort Care Team (PACT) at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) provides opioids to a large population of patients in the ambulatory setting. Before this project, PACT had no reliable system…

Improving quality of life (QOL) is the central focus of palliative care support for children with life-limiting illness (LLI), but achieving this can be challenging.
MyQuality is an online tool that enables families to choose…

Lethal fetal diagnoses are made in 2% of all pregnancies. The pregnancy experience is certainly changed for the parents who choose to continue the pregnancy with a known fetal diagnosis but little is known about how the psychological…

An order protocol for distress (OPD), including respiratory distress and acute pain crisis, has been established for pediatric palliative care patients at Sainte-Justine Hospital (SJH). After discussion with the patient/his or her family,…

In 2007, a literature review was undertaken of palliative care research from Sweden during the 1970s-2006, paving the way for a follow-up study to explore the recent developments. The aim was to systematically examine palliative care…

Service providers face difficult decisions about how best to develop services for the increasing numbers of young people with life-limiting conditions who require palliative care.

To explore alternative short break and…

For clinicians caring for adolescent patients living with progressive, life-threatening illness, discussions regarding prognosis, goals of care, and treatment options can be extremely challenging. While clinicians should respect and help…

Many children who die are eligible for hospice enrollment but little is known about parental perceptions of the hospice experience, the benefits, and disappointments. The objective of this study was to explore parental perspectives of the…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Small pilot studies support the appropriateness of engaging adolescents with chronic or life-limiting illnesses in pediatric advance care planning (pACP). We do not yet know if pACP is acceptable, feasible, and worthwhile,…

OBJECTIVES: To examine the relationship between pediatric primary care involvement and hospice and home health care use at end of life. METHODS: California Medicaid data were used to estimate the relationship between pediatric primary care…

BACKGROUND: Some pregnant patients with complex fetal anomalies meet with paediatric palliative care subspecialists prior to delivery, but referral to antenatal palliative care consultation (APCC) is not standard. Little is known about its role in…

OBJECTIVE: To assess the involvement of volunteers with direct patient/family contact in UK palliative care services for children and young people. METHOD: Cross-sectional survey using a web-based questionnaire. SETTING: UK specialist paediatric…

BACKGROUND: The quality of shared decision making for children with serious illness may depend on whether parents and physicians share similar perceptions of problems and hopes for the child. OBJECTIVE: (i) Describe the problems and hopes reported by…

OBJECTIVE: We sought to understand how healthcare professionals (HCP) conceptualise spirituality among seriously ill children and young people (CYP) and their families, and their experiences in dealing with spiritual issues that emerge in practice.…

OBJECTIVES: to understand the family's experience of the child and/or teenager in palliative care and building a representative theoretical model of the process experienced by the family. METHODOLOGY: for this purpose the Symbolic Interactionism and…

Children who require palliative care are being 'short changed or ignored', according to a survey of services in England by the charity Together for Short Lives.

The authors examined psychosocial outcomes following the first year of bereavement, for 51 family caregivers, including both spouses and offspring. Researchers assessed caregivers during palliative care and again during the second year of…

OBJECTIVES: The high cost of critical care has engendered research into identifying influential factors. However, existing studies have not considered patient vital status at ICU discharge. This study sought to determine the effect of mortality upon…

INTRODUCTION: Advance care planning (ACP), though recommended, has not been studied in adolescents with cystic fibrosis (CF). This quality improvement project engaged adolescents with advanced CF disease in ACP and assessed patient and CF provider…

BACKGROUND: There is a paucity of research evidence to guide health care providers' practice in pediatric palliative care. At the same time, some clinicians and Institutional Review Boards are reluctant to approve such studies because of concerns…

When parents first meet their child, they take on the entwined joys and burdens of caring for another person. Providing care for their child becomes the basic expectation, during health and illness, through the developmental milestones, into…

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Very little information exists on the number of resources utilized by individuals living with and dying of pediatric life-threatening diseases (LTDs). This study quantifies end of life (EOL) resource utilization among the…

This secondary analysis of data examined the psychosocial outcomes of meaning in caregiving, self-esteem, optimism, burden, depression, spirituality, and posttraumatic growth in 273 parents caring for children with life-limiting illnesses to (a)…

BACKGROUND: Adolescent and young adult oncology (AYAO) patients often receive intensive medical care and experience significant symptoms at the end of life (EOL). OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to describe the characteristics of AYAO patients aged 15-26…

OBJECTIVE: To examine the opinions of a perinatal health team regarding decisions related to late termination of pregnancy and severely ill newborns. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An anonymous questionnaire was administered to physicians, social workers,…

OBJECTIVE: To characterize patterns of care at the end of life for children and young adults with life-threatening complex chronic conditions (LT-CCCs) and to compare them by LT-CCC type. STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey of bereaved parents…

BACKGROUND: The communication relationship between parents of children or young people with health conditions and health professionals is an important part of treatment, but it is unclear how far the use of digital clinical communication tools may…

(1) To explore attitudes and beliefs of neonatal nurses toward nursing care for dying neonates; (2) to estimate the influence of neonatal nurses' personal and professional characteristics on their attitudes towards end-of life care for dying infants.…

The present study investigated the presence and possible predictors of complicated grief symptoms in perinatally bereaved mothers (N = 121) up to 5 years postbereavement. The presence of complicated grief scores in the clinical range was 12.4%, which…

In this study, we analyzed the relationships among clinical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions of patients with advanced illness. It was a cross-sectional study, with a sample of 108 patients in an advanced illness situation attended by…

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