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- Tags: Trajectory
Paediatric palliative care: development and pilot study of a 'Directory' of life-limiting conditions
Temporal and spatial gait parameters in children with Cri du Chat Syndrome under single and dual task conditions
Tags: 2016, Abbruzzese L D, Aubuchon M, characteristics, Children, concurrent task, Cri du Chat Syndrome, Dual-task, Gait, Gait & Posture, motor, Neurosciences & Neurology, older-adults, Orthopedics, parkinsons-disease, performance, Rao A K, Salazar R, Sport Sciences, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Walking
Co-occurrence of Dystonic and Dyskinetic Tongue Movements with Oral Apraxia in Post-regression Dysphagia in Classical Rett Syndrome Years of Life 1 Through 5
Tags: 2015, Abraham S S, characteristics, Classical Rett syndrome, Deglutition, Disorders, Djukic A, dysfunction, Dyskinesia, dysmotility, Dysphagia, Dystonia, Early Pseudostationary stage, feeding difficulties, Fluoroscopy, Genotype, girls, mecp2 mutations, Otorhinolaryngology, Phenotype, Rett syndrome, Swallowing, Taragin B, tone and motor, Trajectory, Videofluoroscopic study of swallowing, Women
Standardized assessment of behavior and adaptive living skills in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
Tags: 2006, Adams H, batten-disease, behavioral problems, characteristics, childhood, Children, De Blieck E A, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Dure L, Epilepsy, impairments, Kwon J, Marshall F J, Mink J W, NCL3, NCL6, Neurosciences & Neurology, Pearce D A, Pediatrics, psychiatric problems, Ramirez-Montealegre D, Rothberg P G, Scale, Symptoms, Trajectory, Validity
Respiratory events and obstructive sleep apnea in children with achondroplasia: investigation and treatment outcomes
Tags: 2011, achondroplasia, Achondroplasia/di [Diagnosis], Achondroplasia/ep [Epidemiology], Achondroplasia/th [Therapy], Adolescent, Afsharpaiman S, Age Factors, Airway Obstruction/di [Diagnosis], Airway Obstruction/ep [Epidemiology], Airway Obstruction/th [Therapy], Ault J E, Body Mass Index, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Cohort Studies, Comorbidity, Cross-sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Infant, Male, obstructive sleep apnea, Polysomnography, Sheikhvatan M, Sillence D O, Sleep and Breathing, Sleep Apnea Central/di [Diagnosis], Sleep Apnea Central/ep [Epidemiology], Sleep Apnea Central/th [Therapy], Sleep Apnea Obstructive/di [Diagnosis], Sleep Apnea Obstructive/ep [Epidemiology], Sleep Apnea Obstructive/th [Therapy], Trajectory, Treatment Outcome, Waters K
Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Incontinence in Children with Pompe Disease
Communication, Cognitive Development and Behavior in Children With Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS): Preliminary Results
Tags: 2014, AAC (augmentative and alternative communication), ability, Ajmone P F, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, autistic behavior, Behavior, behavioral symptoms, brachmann-delange syndrome, CdLS, Cereda A, characteristics, Costantino A, Dall'Ara F, De Lange syndrome, delange cornelia, externalizing behavior, Genetics & Heredity, INDIVIDUALS, intellectual disability (ID), language-skills, Milani D, Monti F, morphosyntactic, normal intelligence, Phenotype, Psychiatry, Rigamonti C, Selicorni A, tone and motor, Trajectory, Vizziello P
Association of the family environment with behavioural and cognitive outcomes in children with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome
Self-injury in Lesch-Nyhan disease
Cognitive abilities of patients with Lesch-Nyhan disease
Tags: 1992, achievement, Adolescent, Adult, alertness, Anderson L T, attempted suicide, Awareness, Behavior Therapy, behavioral, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Combined Modality Therapy, Davis S V, Ernst M, Female, Humans, Intellectual Disability/di [Diagnosis], Intellectual Disability/px [Psychology], Intellectual Disability/th [Therapy], Intelligence, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Language Development Disorders/di [Diagnosis], Language Development Disorders/px [Psychology], Language Development Disorders/th [Therapy], Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome/di [Diagnosis], Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome/px [Psychology], Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome/th [Therapy], Male, Neuropsychological Tests, Self-Injurious Behavior/di [Diagnosis], Self-Injurious Behavior/px [Psychology], Self-Injurious Behavior/th [Therapy], Social Adjustment, Social Behavior, Social Environment, Suicide, thinking, Trajectory
Longitudinal Course of Cognitive, Adaptive, and Behavioral Characteristics in Costello Syndrome
Tags: 2009, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, Axelrad M E, behavioral, characteristics, cognitive, costello syndrome, Disability, features, Fehlis J E, functioning, Genetics & Heredity, Gripp K W, Hopkins E, HRAS, longitudinal assessment, MAP kinase pathway, p.G12A, p.G12S, p.G13C, p.T581, Phenotype, Schwartz D D, Sol-Church K, Stabley D L, tone and motor, Trajectory
New antidepressive and antipsychotic drugs in juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses--a pilot study
Tags: (Antipsychotic Agents) 0, (Benzodiazepines) 132539-06-1, (Citalopram) 12794-10-4, (Dibenzothiazepines) 0DHU5B8D6V, (olanzapine) 2S3PL1B6UJ, (Pirenzepine) L6UH7ZF8HC, (Quetiapine Fumarate) 3G0285N20N, (Second-Generation) 0, 2001, Aberg L E, Adolescent, Adult, Aggression, alertness, Antidepressive Agents, Aronen E T, Backman M L, Behavior, characteristics, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, Risperidone, Santavuori P R, Second-Generation/ad [Administration & Dosage], Trajectory
Social and behavioral problems of children with agenesis of the corpus callosum
Tags: 2007, Agenesis of Corpus Callosum, agenesis of the corpus callosum, Aggression, alertness, Andrews G L, Attention, Autistic Disorder/epidemiology, Badaruddin D H, Behavior, behavioral, Bolte S, Brown W S, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Child Behavior Disorders/epidemiology, Child Psychiatry and Human Development, Female, Humans, Male, Paul L K, Schilmoeller G, Schilmoeller K J, sleep disturbance, Social Behavior, Surveys And Questionnaires, Trajectory
Anxiety-like behavior in Rett syndrome: characteristics and assessment by anxiety scales
Tags: 2015, anxiety, Autism spectrum disorder, Barnes K V, Bazin G A, Behavior, Beinecke E B, breathing difficulties, Bruck N, Cantwell N G, characteristics, Checklist, Children, Coughlin F R, Down-syndrome, fragile-x-syndrome, Intellectual disabilities, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Kaufmann W E, mecp2, mental-retardation, mouse model, Neurosciences & Neurology, O'Leary H M, Problematic behavior, quality-of-life, Rett syndrome, severity, sleep disturbance, Social avoidance, Trajectory, Walco A C
The behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: a study of 56 individuals
Tags: 2007, anxiety, attention disorder, Autism, autistic-like features, Basile E, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotypes, brachmann-delange syndrome, CdLS, characteristics, Children, cognitive level, Communication, compulsive disorders, Cornelia de Lange, De Lange syndrome, Education & Educational Research, Genetics & Heredity, hyperactivity, Intellectual Disability, Intelligence, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, language-skills, mental-retardation, Molteni M, Neurology, Neurosciences &, nipbl, normal, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Self-Injurious behavior, self-injury, self-mutilative behavior, Selicorni A, Syndrome, Trajectory, Villa L
Behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Determinants of sleep disturbances in Rett syndrome: Novel findings in relation to genotype
Tags: 0 (Methyl-CpG-Binding Protein 2), 2016, Adolescent, Adult, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, Anderson B, Boban S, characteristics, Child, Child Preschool, Downs J, Epilepsy/di [diagnosis], Epilepsy/ge [Genetics], Epstein A, Genetic Association Studies, Genotype, Humans, Infant, Infant Newborn, Leonard H, Methyl-CpG-Binding Protein 2/ge [Genetics], Middle Aged, Murphy N, Mutation, Phenotype, Rett syndrome, Rett Syndrome/di [Diagnosis], Rett Syndrome/ge [Genetics], Rett Syndrome/pp [Physiopathology], Severity Of Illness Index, sleep disturbance/disorders, Sleep Wake Disorders/di [Diagnosis], Sleep Wake Disorders/ge [Genetics], Trajectory, Wong K, Young Adult
Sleep problems and their management in Rett syndrome
Mitochondrial capacity, muscle endurance, and low energy in friedreich ataxia
Tags: 2017, Adolescent, Adult, alertness, Article, Bossie H M, cellular subcellular and molecular biological phenomena and functions, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Comparative Study, Controlled Study, Cross-sectional Study, Disease Severity, electrostimulation, endurance, energy, Fatigue, Female, Friedreich ataxia, Godin Leisure Time Physical Activity Score, Human, Male, McCully K K, mechanomyography, mitochondrial capacity, Muscle and Nerve, muscle endurance, muscle exercise, myography, near infrared spectroscopy, O'Connor P J, oxygen consumption, physical energy, Priority Journal, Schoick R A V, School Child, scoring system, skeletal muscle, Trajectory, Willingham T B
A cross-sectional controlled developmental study of neuropsychological functions in patients with glutaric aciduria type i
Tags: 2015, Adolescent, Adult, Article, Barry Albright Dystonia Scale, Boy N, Burgard P, characteristics, Child, Clinical Article, Cognition, cognitive development, continuous performance test, Controlled Study, Cross Sectional Study, Dystonia, dystonia/di [Diagnosis], enzyme deficiency, Female, Garbade S F, Glahn E M, Glutaric acidemia type I, glutaric aciduria type I, Haege G, Heringer J, Hoffmann G F, Human, Information Processing, Kolker S, Male, Metabolic Disorder, motor dysfunction, motor performance, neurologic disease assessment, newborn screening, Orphanet Journal Of Rare Diseases, response time, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, visual memory, visuomotor coordination, working memory
Sleep disorders in tuberous sclerosis: a polysomnographic study
Feeding changes in children with trisomy 18: longitudinal data on primary feeding method and reflux identification and treatment
Comparison of three clinical rating scales in Friedreich ataxia (FRDA)
Tags: 2009, ataxia, Boesch S, Bürk K, characteristics, Degen I, Dimitriadis K, Dörr J M, Friedreich's ataxia, Haug V, Heck S, Hering S, Ivo A, Klockgether T, Klopstock T, Kruse B, Lindig T M, Mälzig U, Movement Disorders, Ratzka S, Schmitz-Hübsch T, Schols L, Schulz J B, Timmann D, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Wolf S
Polysomnographic findings in Rett syndrome: a case-control study
Tags: 2013, Bravaccio C, breathing difficulties, Carotenuto M, Case-Control Studies, Cerebral Cortex, characteristics, Child, D'Aniello A, Elia M, Esposito M, Female, Humans, obstructive apnea, Pascotto A, periodic limb movement, Polysomnography, Precenzano F, Reference Values, Rett syndrome, Rippa C D, Signal Processing Computer-Assisted, Sleep, Sleep REM, Sleep & Breathing, sleep disturbance, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Wakefulness
Stereotypical Hand Movements in 144 Subjects with Rett Syndrome from the Population-Based Australian Database
Tags: 2010, Bebbington A, Behavior, Carter P, characteristics, Downs J, features, females, Genotype, hand function, hand stereotypies, Jacoby P, Kaufmann W E, Leonard H, mecp2 mutations, Movement Disorders, Neurosciences & Neurology, Phenotype, Rett syndrome, severity, stereotypic movement disorder, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, Video Recording, Williams S
Findings from a multidisciplinary clinical case series of females with Rett syndrome
Females experience a more severe disease course in batten disease
A national survey of Rett syndrome: behavioural characteristics
Tags: 2015, anxiety, Behavior, breathing difficulties, breathing problems, characteristics, Cianfaglione R, Clarke A, Felce D, hand stereotypies, Hastings R P, Heald M, inappropriate fear, Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Kerr M, Moss J, Oliver C, Rett syndrome, sleep problems, stereotypy, tone and motor problems, Trajectory
A national survey of Rett syndrome: age, clinical characteristics, current abilities, and health
Tags: 2015, American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, bowel problems, breathing difficulties, characteristics, Cianfaglione R, Clarke A, Constipation, Epilepsy, feeding difficulties, Felce D, gastrointestinal problems, Hastings R P, Kerr M, Oliver C, Rett syndrome, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, weight
Direct Observation of the Behaviour of Females with Rett Syndrome
Problem behaviors associated with deletion Prader-Willi, Smith-Magenis, and cri du chat syndromes
Association Between Fatigue and Autistic Symptoms in Children With Cri du Chat Syndrome
A survey of the prevalence of stereotypy, self-injury and aggression in children and young adults with Cri du Chat syndrome
Tags: 2002, Adolescent, Adult, Aggression, Aggression/psychology, Behavior, characteristics, Child, Collins M S, Comorbidity, Cornish K, Cri-du-chat, Cri-du-Chat Syndrome/epidemiology, Female, Humans, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, Male, Prevalence, Self-Injurious Behavior/epidemiology, self-injury, Stereotypic Movement Disorder/epidemiology, stereotypy, Surveys And Questionnaires, tone and motor problems, Trajectory
Increased prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing in Friedreich ataxia
A comparison of three measures of upper limb function in Friedreich ataxia
Adaptive and maladaptive behaviour in children with Cri-du-chat syndrome
Developmental and behavioural characteristics of cri du chat syndrome
Tags: 1996, Archives of Disease in Childhood, Behavior, bowel incontinence, characteristics, clumsiness, Cornish K M, Cri-du-chat, feeding difficulties, obsessive attachment to objects, Pigram J, repetitive movements, self-injury, sound hypersensitivity, tone and motor problems, Trajectory, urinary incontinence
Characterizing gait, locomotor status, and disease severity in children and adolescents with Friedreich ataxia
Behavioural phenotypes of the mucopolysaccharide disorders: a systematic literature review of cognitive, motor, social, linguistic and behavioural presentation in the MPS disorders
Tags: 2013, annotation, Behavior, challenging behavior, characteristics, Children, clinical variability, Cross E M, Endocrinology & Metabolism, Genetics & Heredity, Hare D J, hunters, Journal Of Inherited Metabolic Disease, Medicine, mental-retardation, mild, MPSI, MPSII, MPSIIIA, MPSIIIB, Research & Experimental, sanfilippo b-disease, sleep disturbance, Syndrome, tone and motor problems, Trajectory