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Tags: 2000, Adolescent, Adult, Aerophagy/di [Diagnosis], Aerophagy/pp [Physiopathology], Aerophagy/px [Psychology], air bloat, Apnea/di [Diagnosis], Apnea/pp [Physiopathology], Apnea/px [Psychology], Child, Child Preschool, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Ellis R E, Feeding Behavior/ph [Physiology], feeding difficulties, Female, Fluoroscopy, gum shield, hollow tube, Humans, hyperventilation, Larynx/pp [Physiopathology], Morton R E, palatal training devices, physical intervention, Pinnington L, Rett syndrome, Rett Syndrome/di [Diagnosis], Rett Syndrome/pp [Physiopathology], Rett Syndrome/px [Psychology], Risk Factors, Stress Psychological/co [Complications], Video Recording