Browse Items (25 total)
- Tags: Social Worker
A Prospective Study On The Characteristics And Subjects Of Pediatric Palliative Care Case Management Provided By A Hospital Based Palliative Care Team
Tags: 2017, BMC Palliative Care, Bosman DK, Caron HN, Case Management, Child, Clergy, Colenbrander DA, Controlled Study, Grootenhuis MA, Hospital, Human, Jagt Van Kampen CT, Kars MC, Major Clinical Study, March 2017 List, Nurse, Palliative Therapy, Prospective Study, Psychologist, Questionnaire, Schouten-Van Meeteren AYN, Social Worker
A quality improvement evaluation of a standardized intervention for children with medical complexity transitioning to adult care
Tags: 2024, Adams S, Adolescent, Adult, Article, assisted ventilation, Caregiver, Checklist, Child Psychiatry, Children With Medical Complexity, chronicity, Chung C, Conversation, decision support system, Demographics, dietitian, Disability, Esser K, Family physicians, feedback system, General Practitioner, Health Care Access, Health Care Personnel, Health care transition, Health Care Utilization, Hospital, Human, Information Processing, Lee S, Major Clinical Study, McKay T, Medical Record Review, Medical Technology, Moore C, Multidisciplinary team, Multiple Chronic Conditions, November List 2024, Nurse Practitioner, Orkin J, Paediatrics And Child Health, Patient Care, pediatric patient, Pediatrician, Pediatrics, pharmaceutical care, pharmacist, Quality Improvement, Rehabilitation, School, Social Worker, standardization, Total Quality Management, Transition To Adult Care, vascular access, Wagman H
A shared decision-making model in pediatric palliative care: a qualitative study of healthcare providers
Tags: 2023, Adult, Article, BMC Palliative Care, Cai S, Cheng L, Child, conceptual model, Controlled Study, Decision Making, Family Centered Care, February List 2024, Health Care Personnel, Human, Knowledge, Male, Nurse, Palliative Therapy, Peng X, pharmaceutics, Phenomenology, Physician, Qualitative Research, Semi Structured Interview, shared decision making, Social Worker, Wang R, Zhou X
Addressing Psychosocial Support in Children with Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Tags: 2019, Bansal D, Cancer Mortality, Cancer Palliative Therapy, childhood cancer/dm [Disease Management], Developing World 2019 List, Health Care Personnel, health practitioner, Human, Indian Journal Of Pediatrics, low income country, middle income country, Note, Patient Care, patient counseling, Psychologist, psychosocial care, Quality Of Life, Social Worker, tertiary health care, Totadri S
An interdisciplinary care model to establishing palliative care for children and adolescents with cancer
Tags: 2018, Adolescent, cancer model, Cancer Patient, Case Study, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Constipation, Counseling, Dyspnea, Education, Fatigue, Health Care Quality, Hospice, Hsu PY, Human, Lin FR, Oncology 2018 List, oncology ward, Pain, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Satisfaction, Social Worker, Taiwan, Terminal Care
Barriers to Palliative Care in Pediatric Oncology in Switzerland: A Focus Group Study
Tags: 2019, Adult, Article, Awareness, Child, Childhood Cancer, Clinical Article, Controlled Study, De Clercq E, Education, Elger B, Female, Human, Journal Of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, Male, Nurse, Oncologist, Oncology 2019 List, outpatient care, Palliative Therapy, personnel shortage, Politics, Qualitative Research, Rakic M, Reimbursement, Rost M, Social Worker, Switzerland, Thematic Analysis, Wangmo T
Characterizing social worker and chaplain interactions with parents of critically ill children with cancer
Tags: 2017, Cancer Epidemiology, Child, Clergy, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, Critically Ill Patient, Doctor Patient Relation, Family Study, Female, Human, Journal Of Clinical Oncology, Lentini N, Male, Martinez E, Michelson K, Mortality, Oncology 2017 List, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Social Worker
Comprehensive care programmes for children with medical complexity
Tags: 2024, Adolescent, adverse outcome, August List 2024, Bias, Caregiver, Child, Child Health Care, Child Preschool, Children With Medical Complexity, Chronic Disease, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Cohen E, community care, Comprehensive Health Care, Connell TG, Controlled Before-After Studies, controlled clinical trial (topic), Cox GR, D’Aprano AL, Decision Making, Emergency Health Service, Emergency Ward, Epidemiology, Functional Status, Gibb SM, Harvey AR, Health Care, Health Care Cost, Health Care Delivery, health care need, health care organization, Health Care Personnel, Health Care Quality, Health Care Utilization, health Insurance, Hospital Admission, hospital readmission, Human, Humans, Infant, Interrupted Time Series Analysis, life satisfaction, Medical Care, Meehan E, Merrick N, meta analysis, Mountford NJ, Multidisciplinary team, Multiple Chronic Conditions, Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic, outcome assessment, Patient Safety, Perception, Preschool Child, Primary Health Care, Program Evaluation, pulmonary aspiration, Quality Of Health Care, Quality Of Life, Randomized Controlled Trial (topic), Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic, remuneration, Review, social determinants of health, Social Worker, statistical bias, Survival Rate, Telemedicine, Therapy, Transition To Adult Care, Williams K
Development and integration of a perinatal palliative care program at a tertiary care center
Tags: 2019, Abortion, anencephalus, Child, Clergy, Comfort, conference abstract, Controlled Study, electronic medical record, Female, Fetus Malformation, Hospice, Human, Intensive Care, Journal Of Investigative Medicine, June 2019 List, May R, Neonatologist, Newborn, Nurse, Oklahoma, Palliative Therapy, Perinatal Care, Practice Guideline, Prenatal Diagnosis, Shah B A, Social Worker, tertiary care center, White L, Wlodaver A
Development of an innovative program to improve provision of palliative and hospice care to children and families in the community: The story of QoLA Kids
Tags: 2019, Baker J N, Blazin L J, Cancer Patient, Cancer Prognosis, catchment, Child, Childhood Cancer, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Counselor, Distress Syndrome, Female, Hospice Care, hospital personnel, Human, Kaye E C, Kiefer A C, magnet, Major Clinical Study, Male, March 2020 List, Nurse Practitioner, Outpatient, Palliative Therapy, Patient Referral, Pediatric Hospital, pediatric patient, Pediatrics, Prognosis, program impact, Quality Of Life, registered nurse, Social Worker
Early involvement of palliative care in cystic fibrosis in inpatient setting: A quality improvement initiative
From Pediatric to Adult Palliative Care Service: The Continuity of Care
Helping parents prepare for their child's end of life: A retrospective survey of cancer-bereaved parents
Tags: 2020, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Article, Battles H, Bedoya S Z, Bereavement, Caregiver, Child, childhood cancer/dm [Disease Management], Content Analysis, Emotion, Female, Gerhardt C A, health care need, Human, Infant, Interpersonal Communication, Mack J, Major Clinical Study, Male, Newborn, Nurse, Oncology 2020 List, open ended questionnaire, Parent, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pediatric oncologist, pediatric patient, Priority Journal, Psycho-Oncology, Psychologist, Quality Of Life, quantitative analysis, Retrospective Study, social media, Social Support, Social Worker, support group, Tager J, Terminal Care, Thematic Analysis, time of death, Wiener L, worker
Improving pediatric palliative care in a community-based setting through an ongoing education series
Tags: 2019, administrative personnel, Checklist, Child, Clergy, Comfort, community hospital, conference abstract, Conversation, do not resuscitate order, Dying, Education, Female, Hospice Care, Human, Likert scale, Major Clinical Study, Male, Moonat H, Needs Assessment, Nguyen L, Nurse, Oncology 2019 List, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, pharmacist, Simulation, Social Worker, Texas
In every detail: spiritual care in pediatric palliative care perceived by healthcare providers
Tags: 2023, Article, Cai S, Cheng L, Child, China, Controlled Study, developing country, February List 2024, Health Care Personnel, Human, Interview, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Nurse, Palliative Therapy, Qualitative Research, Religion, Social Worker, Spiritual Care, Thematic Analysis, Therapy, Zhai X, Zhou X
Key Findings of the Structures and Processes of Inpatient Pediatric Palliative Care Programs (S737)
Tags: 2020, Burnout, Child, Clergy, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Female, Friebert S, Health Care Delivery, Health Care System, Heitner R, Hospital Patient, Human, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Klick J, Major Clinical Study, Male, March 2020 List, Palliative Therapy, Physician, Practice Guideline, registered nurse, Rogers M, Social Worker, Williams C
Multidiciplinary approach of transition into home care for peadiatric and AYA end-of life cancer patients: A single center experience
Tags: 2018, Adolescent, Adult, Arakawa A, cancer center, Cancer Patient, Cancer Staging, Child, Clinical Article, conference abstract, Controlled Study, Female, Home Care, Human, Ishiki H, Ishimaru S, Kumamoto T, Male, Nakajima M, Ogawa C, Oncology 2019 List, Pediatric Blood and Cancer, Retrospective Study, Satomi E, Shimizu M, Shirakawa N, Social Worker, Sonoda T, time of death, Young Adult
Social work practice in perinatal palliative care: an overview
Tags: 2024, Adult, April List 2024, Article, Bereavement, care behavior, collaborative care team, Female, Health Care Access, Human, Knowledge, Male, Palliative Care, Palliative Therapy, Quality Of Life, Santiago-Warner S, Social Justice, Social Work, Social Work in Health Care, Social Work Practice, Social Worker
Social worker and chaplain activities with parents of critically ill children with cancer
Tags: 2018, Arenson M, audio recording, Cancer Patient, cancer stem cell, Child, Clergy, Clinical Article, Content Analysis, Critical Care Medicine, Critically Ill Patient, Female, Heap N, Human, human cell, Interview, Lentini N, Male, Martinez E, Michelson K, Mortality, Oncology 2018 List, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Self Care, Social Worker, Statistics
Social Workers in Pediatric Intensive Care Units: A Physician Perspective
Tags: 2022, abuse, Adolescent, April List 2023, Article, Aslan K, Atakul G, Caglar A, Child, child custody, child neglect, Child Psychiatry, community mental health center, Consultation, Counseling, Demircan TO, Female, Follow Up, hospital information system, Hospitalization, Human, Infant, Intensive Care Units, Male, Ozhan P, Palliative Therapy, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Physician, Retrospective Study, social problem, Social Work, Social Worker, Turkey (republic), Turkish Journal of Pediatric Disease
Supporting parental caregivers of children living with life-threatening or life-limiting illnesses: A Delphi study
Tags: 2018, Article, Bally JMG, Basic Needs, Caregiver, Child, Consensus, Delphi Study, Diagnosis, Family Nursing, Feasibility Study, February 2019 List, Female, Hodgson-Viden H, Holtslander L, Human, Human Experiment, Journal for specialists in pediatric nursing : JSPN, Major Clinical Study, Male, Mpofu C, Nurse, Peacock S, Pediatrics, Physician, Self Care, Smith NR, Social Worker, Spurr S, theoretical study, Zimmer M
The conceptual understanding of pediatric palliative care: A Swiss healthcare perspective
The Pediatric Serious Illness Conversation Program: Understanding challenges and experiences for clinicians after advance care planning training
Tags: 2023, Advance Care Planning, Article, August List 2030, Awareness, Child, Comfort, Conversation, Doherty M, Frenette M, Gujral P, Hospice Care, Human, Lusney N, Medical Education, Neonatology, Nurse, Palliative And Supportive Care, Palliative Therapy, Physician, Skill, Social Worker, tertiary care center, Thematic Analysis, van Breemen C
The Relationship Between Dyspnea Severity with Radiological and Laboratory Findings in Pneumonia in Children in Pediatric Palliative Care
Tags: 2023, Article, assisted ventilation, Atrophy, bacterial pneumonia, bone development, breathing muscle, bronchopneumonia, Caregiver, Çelik T, Cerebral Palsy, Child, Coskun M, Cross-sectional Study, Cubukcu D, Dyspnea, Epilepsy, February List 2024, Female, Genetic Disorder, Harputluoglu N, Hospitalization, Human, interstitial pneumonia, Journal of Pediatric Academy, laboratory diagnosis, Major Clinical Study, Male, medical device, modified Borg dyspnea scale, Nurse, Nutritional Support, Palliative Therapy, Pediatrician, physiotherapist, pneumonia/di [Diagnosis], radiodiagnosis, respiratory distress, scoring system, Social Worker, thorax radiography, virus pneumonia, X ray
The Use of Concurrent Home Hospice for Pediatric Heart Failure Patients Awaiting Heart Transplant on Milrinone and/or Ventricular Assist Device
Tags: 2020, 78415-72-2 (milrinone), Adams V L, Body Weight, Burnette A L, Child, Clergy, conference abstract, Controlled Study, dietitian, Emergency Ward, Feeding, Follow Up, Heart Failure, heart graft, Henderson H T, Home Visit, Hospice, Hospital Admission, hospital discharge, hospital readmission, Human, inotropism, Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, May 2020 List, milrinone, money, Mortality, Outpatient, Palliative Therapy, Satisfaction, Savage A J, Social Worker, travel