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BACKGROUND: Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are rare inherited metabolic disorders that come under category three of life-limiting conditions. Children born with this condition show no symptoms at birth, but its effects show as a progressive disease in…
Nurses' distress in response to the professional experience of the neonatal loss and stillbirth care is poorly addressed in nursing practice; therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore nurses' experiences of labour of a stillborn baby. A…
BACKGROUND: Home care service (HCS) for sick children is a complex healthcare service, which can be organised in various models. Despite the possibility to support family everyday life, the accessibility and utilisation may still be limited. The aim…
The purpose of this study was to describe the impact of peer support on post-traumatic stress disorder in parents who have experienced the death of a child, the factors associated with the parents' post-traumatic stress reactions and the parents'…
In 2007, a literature review was undertaken of palliative care research from Sweden during the 1970s-2006, paving the way for a follow-up study to explore the recent developments. The aim was to systematically examine palliative care…