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The purpose of this study was to validate the Behavior Problem Inventory-01 (BPI-01; Rojahn J Autism Dev Disord 31:577-588, 2001) in a population of 179 individuals with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS) and to extend the literature on the behavioral…
Objective. To use a meta-analysis on all reported cases of deep brain stimulation (DBS) for dystonia to determine which factors significantly influence outcome. The Burke-Fahn-Marsden (BFM) movement scale, the most reported measure, was chosen as the…
Neonatal nurses in mainland China encounter various challenges when it comes to delivering palliative care to neonates. The aim of this study was to determine the barriers and facilitators of neonatal nurses' attitudes to palliative care for neonates…
Objectives: We sought to document the prevalence and nature of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) in individuals with Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) as well as establish the relationship, if any, between SDB and clinical parameters of FRDA. Methods:…
Objective: To validate a useful version of the Motor Function Measure (MFM) in children with neuromuscular diseases aged .90), and discriminant validity was good. Conclusions: The MFM-20 can be used as an outcome measure for assessment of motor…
Objective: Sleep disturbance and daytime restlessness are present in 50% to 80% of children with severe psychomotor impairment due to neurologic or other complex diseases. Although these issues severely impair the quality of life of the children and…
We obtained information about the behavioral, psychiatric, and functional status of 26 children (13 males, 13 females) with juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL; mean age 12y 3mo [SD 3y 4mo]; range 6y 9mo to 18y 8mo). Twenty-five children…
Surrogate decision makers involved in decisions to limit life support for an incapacitated patient in the ICU have high rates of adverse emotional health outcomes distinct from normal processes of grief and bereavement. Narrative…
BACKGROUND: This study is aimed to perform the translation and cultural adaptation of the Neonatal Palliative Care Attitude Scale (NiPCAS) and evaluation of its psychometric properties with Portuguese neonatal nurses. METHOD(S): The research started…
Pompe disease is a lysosomal storage disorder characterized by progressive muscle weakness. With the emergence of new treatment options, psychometrically robust outcome measures are needed to monitor patients' clinical status. We constructed a motor…