Browse Items (33 total)
- Tags: Rehabilitation
'Why Does It Happen Like This?' Consulting With Users and Providers Prior to an Evaluation of Services for Children with Life Limiting Conditions and their Families
Tags: 2015, Adolescent, Brown E, Chambers L, Chesworth B, Child, Child Health Care, Coad J, Family, Hacking S, Handicapped Child, Health Service, Health Services Research, Human, Hunt A, Information Processing, Interview, Journal of child health care : for professionals working with children in the hospital and community, Patient Referral, Rehabilitation, September 2017 List, Staniszewska S, Supply And Distribution
A description of adaptive and maladaptive behaviour in children and adolescents with Cri-du-chat syndrome
Tags: 2011, Adolescent, adults, behavioral problems, behaviour, Chappaz I O, characteristics, Child, Cri-du-chat, cri-du-chat syndrome, development, Education & Educational Research, Emerich D R, Epidemiology, Gatto K R, Genetics & Heredity, INDIVIDUALS, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, Kim C A, maladaptive behaviors, Neurology, Neurosciences &, Orsati F T, Prevalence, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Rimerio R C, Teixeira Mctv, Trajectory
A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study of Affect in Children and Adults With Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
Tags: 2014, Affect, American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, autistic, Behavior, behavioral phenotypes, behavioral problems, behavioral-phenotype, characteristics, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, Cri-du-chat, De Lange syndrome, delange-syndrome, Education & Educational Research, Follow-up, fragile-x-syndrome, genetic syndromes, genotype-phenotype correlations, interest, Longitudinal, mental-retardation, Mood, Moss J, Nelson L, Oliver C, PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS, pleasure, Rehabilitation, spectrum disorders, Trajectory, williams-syndrome
A quality improvement evaluation of a standardized intervention for children with medical complexity transitioning to adult care
Tags: 2024, Adams S, Adolescent, Adult, Article, assisted ventilation, Caregiver, Checklist, Child Psychiatry, Children With Medical Complexity, chronicity, Chung C, Conversation, decision support system, Demographics, dietitian, Disability, Esser K, Family physicians, feedback system, General Practitioner, Health Care Access, Health Care Personnel, Health care transition, Health Care Utilization, Hospital, Human, Information Processing, Lee S, Major Clinical Study, McKay T, Medical Record Review, Medical Technology, Moore C, Multidisciplinary team, Multiple Chronic Conditions, November List 2024, Nurse Practitioner, Orkin J, Paediatrics And Child Health, Patient Care, pediatric patient, Pediatrician, Pediatrics, pharmaceutical care, pharmacist, Quality Improvement, Rehabilitation, School, Social Worker, standardization, Total Quality Management, Transition To Adult Care, vascular access, Wagman H
Behavior Problems in Individuals with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: Population-Specific Validation of the Behavior Problem Inventory-01
Tags: 2013, Abby L, Aggressive/destructive behavior, Barnard-Brak L, Behavior, behavioral problems, behaviors, characteristics, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, delange-syndrome, Dotson W, Intellectual disabilities, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, Medeiros K, Phenomenology, Prevalence, Rehabilitation, Reliability, repetitive, Richman D, Rojahn J, Scale, Self-injurious, self-injurious-behavior, short form, Stereotyped Behavior, Trajectory, Validity, Wei T L
Beyond the Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale: Deep brain stimulation in childhood secondary dystonia
Tags: (DBS), 2012, BFMDRS, cerebral-palsy, Childhood dystonia, Children, deep brain stimulation, Disability, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, Follow-up, Gimeno H, globus-pallidus internus, Glutaric acidemia type I, Goals, Lin J P, Neurosciences & Neurology, Outcomes, Paediatric deep brain stimulation, Patient Selection, pediatric movement-disorders, Pediatrics, primary generalized dystonia, Rehabilitation, Reliability, secondary dystonia, Selway R, surgical intervention, tone and motor problems, Tustin K, Validity
Building community through song: The therapeutic hospice choir
Building the repertoire of measures of walking in Rett syndrome
Tags: 2-minute, 2017, 6-minute, adults, Bisgaard A M, cerebral-palsy, Children, Disability And Rehabilitation, disability inventory, Downs J, functional mobility scale, girls, Leonard H, Modified two-minute walk test, Nordmark E, pediatric evaluation, Rehabilitation, Rett syndrome, Rett syndrome specific functional mobility scale, RSGMS, scale development, Stahlhut M, test-retest reliability, tone and motor problems, tool development, two-minute walk test, Walking
Comparing PECS and VOCA to promote communication opportunities and to reduce stereotyped behaviors by three girls with Rett syndrome
Tags: 2 boys, 2014, Albano V, Augmentative and alternative communication, Autism, contact, Damiani R, De Pace C, DEVELOPMENTAL, Developmental-disabilities, Di Leone A, Disabilities, Education & Educational Research, environmental stimuli, Indices of happiness, keyboard emulator, microswitch-based programs, motor disabilities, Perilli V, physical intervention, Picture exchange communication systems, profound multiple disabilities, Psychiatry, Psychology, Quality Of Life, quality-of-life, Rehabilitation, Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, Rett syndrome, Social, spectrum disorders, Stasolla F, stereotypies, tone and motor problems, Vocal output communication aid
Comparison of Problematic Behavior According to the Ryouiku Techou Standard
Tags: 2013, behavioral problems, characteristics, Gotou M, Inoue Y, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, lethargy, Mowat-Wilson syndrome, Nanba Y, Otani Y, Pena Shokeir syndrome, Problematic behavior, Rehabilitation, Ryouiku Techou, stereotyped behaviors, Takemasa S, The Japanese version of the Aberrant Behavior Checklist, Trajectory, Tuberous Sclerosis, Uesugi M, West syndrome
Depression and anxiety symptoms in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders without intellectual disability
Tags: 2012, Adolescents, anxiety, ASPERGER-SYNDROME, At Risk Persons, Autism, Backlog, Case L, Children, Comorbidity, Daniolos P, Depression, Depression/psychology, DEVELOPMENTAL, DIAGNOSTIC INTERVIEW, Education, FRIENDSHIP, Intelligence Quotient, Journal Article, Kenworthy L, Martin A, Parent, People, PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS, Prevalence, PSYCHIATRIC-DISORDERS, Psychiatry, Psychology, Rehabilitation, Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, Special, Strang JF, Symptoms (Individual Disorders), VERSION, Wallace GL, Wills MC
Effects of social context on social interaction and self-injurious behavior in Cornelia de Lange syndrome
Tags: 2006, American Journal on Mental Retardation, Arron K, assessments, behavioral problems, brachmann-delange syndrome, Children, Communication, De Lange syndrome, Education & Educational Research, evaluate aberrant behavior, Forman D, functional-analysis, Hall S, McClintock K, mutilative behavior, Oliver C, Phenotype, Rehabilitation, self injurious behavior, self-injury, skills, Sloneem J, trajectory characteristics
Evaluating parent and public involvement activities within a paediatric palliative care research centre: Route map to impactful and meaningful engagement
Guided eating or feeding: three girls with Rett syndrome
Tags: 2009, Activity, being fed, Children, dyspraxia, Eliasson A C, engagement, Engerstrom I W, guided eating, hand function, hand splints, hand use, involvement, movements, Occupational Therapy, Participation, psychological intervention, Qvarfordt I, Rehabilitation, Rett syndrome, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, skills, stereotyped hand movements, tone and motor problems
Improving mealtimes for paediatric intensive care children and families: A quality improvement initiative
Incontinence and psychological symptoms in individuals with Mowat-Wilson Syndrome
Tags: 2017, angelman-syndrome, behavioral problems, bowel incontinence, characteristics, Children, Constipation, Curfs L, Education & Educational Research, Einfeld S, enuresis, Equit M, features, fecal incontinence, hirschsprungs-disease, Mowat D, Mowat-Wilson syndrome, Niemczyk J, Phenotype, psychopathology, Rehabilitation, Research in Developmental Disabilities, Trajectory, urinary incontinence, urinary-incontinence, von Gontard A, Wagner C
Incontinence in Individuals with Rett Syndrome: A Comparative Study
Tags: 2012, adaptive functioning, Adolescents, behavioral-phenotype, bowel incontinence, characteristics, Children, Comparative Study, Curfs L M G, Didden R, Disorders, enuresis, Epidemiology, fecal incontinence, females, Giesbers S, Incontinence, Intellectual Disability, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, Korzilius H, Lang R, mental-retardation, Radstaake M, Rehabilitation, Rett syndrome, Smeets E, Trajectory, urinary incontinence, von Gontard A
Motor Function Measure: Validation of a Short Form for Young Children With Neuromuscular Diseases
Tags: 2013, ambulation, Archives Of Physical Medicine And Rehabilitation, Berard C, de Castro D, de Lattre C, Disability Evaluation, dystrophy, MFM Study Group, Neuromuscular Diseases, outcome measure, Payan C, Poirot I, Rehabilitation, Reliability, Rippert P, Scale, scale development, sma-iii patients, SMA1, spinal muscular-atrophy, Sport Sciences, tool development, Vuillerot C
Prediction of Perceived Empathy Based on Emotional Schemas and Resilience in Mothers with Physically-Disabled Children
Tags: 2017, Archives Of Rehabilitation, Asmari Y, Esmaeily M, Journal, Kazemian S, Mohammad AD, Of, Rehabilitation, پژوهشي, توانبخشي, علمي, فصلنامه
Reliability and Validity of the TIMPSI for Infants With Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I
Tags: 2013, assessments, Case L E, Child Development, Childhood/diagnosis, childhood/physiopathology, Children, Female, functional motor scale, Hartman J T, Hecker E, Humans, Infant, Kienitz K, King W, Krosschell K J, Leveille M, Male, Mazulski J A, Meffert M, motor, Observer Variation, Pediatric Physical Therapy, Pediatrics, performance, Physical Therapy, physical therapy specialty/standards, Project Cure Spinal Muscular Atrophy Investigators, Rehabilitation, Reproducibility of Results, Roman C A, scale development, Scott C, skills/physiology, SMA1, specialty/instrumentation, spinal muscular atrophies of, Swoboda K J, TIMP, tone and motor problems, tool development, Viazzo-Trussell D, Video Recording, Wood J
Rett syndrome: establishing a novel outcome measure for walking activity in an era of clinical trials for rare disorders
Tags: 2015, accelerometry, accuracy, activity monitors, Baikie G, Brisco L, Disability And Rehabilitation, Disease, Downs J, Hill K, injury, Jacoby P, Leonard H, outcome measure, physical activity, physical-activity, Rehabilitation, Rett syndrome, sample, scale development, step, StepWatch, test-retest reliability, tone and motor problems, tool development, Validity, Walking
Robotic and clinical evaluation of upper limb motor performance in patients with Friedreich's Ataxia: an observational study
Tags: 2015, accuracy, and Rating of Ataxia, Bertini E, Cappa P, Carniel S, Castelli E, cerebellar-ataxia, Children, Coordination, Engineering, Friedreich's ataxia, Germanotta M, InMotion Arm Robot, Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, Kinematics, Movement, multiple-sclerosis, Neurosciences & Neurology, Petrarca M, quantitative-evaluation, rating-scale, Reaching task, Rehabilitation, Robot-mediated evaluation, Rossi S, scale development, Scale for the Assessment, smoothness, stroke recovery, Submovements, Therapy, tone and motor problems, tool development, Upper limb, Vasco G
Self-injurious behaviour in Cornelia de Lange syndrome: 1. Prevalence and phenomenology
Tags: 2009, Arron K, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotype, brachmann-delange syndrome, characteristics, compulsive behaviors, compulsive behaviour, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, Education & Educational Research, Genetics & Heredity, Hall S, hyperactivity, INDIVIDUALS, Intellectual disabilities, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, maladaptive behavior, mental-retardation, mutilative behavior, Neurology, Neurosciences &, Oliver C, People, Phenotype, prader-willi-syndrome, Psychiatry, rating-scale, Rehabilitation, repetitive behaviour, self-injurious behaviour, Sloneem J, stereotyped behaviour, stereotyped disorders, Trajectory
Self-injurious behaviour in Cornelia de Lange syndrome: 2. association with environmental events
Tags: 2009, Arron K, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotype, brachmann-delange syndrome, Children, Cornelia de Lange syndrome, De Lange syndrome, demand denial no contact, descriptive analysis, Education & Educational Research, Environment, environmental conditions, functional-analysis, Genetics & Heredity, Hall S, INDIVIDUALS, Intervention, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, Neurology, Neurosciences &, Oliver C, Phenomenology, Phenotype, prader-willi syndrome, Prevalence, Psychiatry, psychological intervention, Rehabilitation, self-injurious behaviour, self-injury, Sloneem J, social reinforcement, Symptoms
Sleep problems and daytime problem behaviours in children with intellectual disability
Tags: 2002, Adolescents, adults, Behavior, breathing difficulties, challenging behavior, characteristics, Children, community-based sample, daytime problem behaviour, de Vries M, Didden R, difficulties, Disorders, disturbance, Education & Educational Research, Genetics & Heredity, handicapped-children, Intellectual Disability, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, Korzilius H, Neurology, Neurosciences &, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Rett syndrome, severe learning-disabilities, sleep disturbance, sleep problem, Trajectory, Tuberous Sclerosis, urinary incontinence, van Aperlo B, van Overloop C
Task force 5: adults with congenital heart disease: access to care
Tags: 2001, Adolescent, Adolescent Transitions, Adult, Allen HD, Backlog, Congenital/economics/rehabilitation, Fox JM, Garson A, Health Care Costs/statistics & numerical data, Health Services Accessibility/economics/legislation & jurisprudence, Heart Defects, Humans, Insurance Coverage/economics/legislation & jurisprudence, Journal Article, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Managed Care Programs/economics/legislation & jurisprudence, Patient Care Team/economics/legislation & jurisprudence, Rehabilitation, Skorton DJ, Truesdell SC, United States, Vocational/economics, Webb GD, Williams RG
The Behavior Problems Inventory-Short Form for individuals with intellectual disabilities: Part II: reliability and validity
Tags: 2012, autism spectrum disorders, Behavior Problems Inventory, behavioral problems, Checklist, Children, Developmental-disabilities, diagnostic-assessment, Didden R, Disabilities, Dumont E L M, Education & Educational Research, factor structure, fit indexes, Genetics & Heredity, handicapped dash, Hastings R, intellectual, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, Kroes D B H, Matson J L, Neurology, Neurosciences &, profound mental-retardation, Psychiatry, rating form, Rehabilitation, Reliability, Rojahn J, Rowe E W, scale development, severely, Sharber A C, tool development, unspecified ID, VALIDATION, Validity
The behavioural phenotype of Cornelia de Lange Syndrome: a study of 56 individuals
Tags: 2007, anxiety, attention disorder, Autism, autistic-like features, Basile E, behavioral problems, behavioural phenotypes, brachmann-delange syndrome, CdLS, characteristics, Children, cognitive level, Communication, compulsive disorders, Cornelia de Lange, De Lange syndrome, Education & Educational Research, Genetics & Heredity, hyperactivity, Intellectual Disability, Intelligence, Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, language-skills, mental-retardation, Molteni M, Neurology, Neurosciences &, nipbl, normal, Psychiatry, Rehabilitation, Self-Injurious behavior, self-injury, self-mutilative behavior, Selicorni A, Syndrome, Trajectory, Villa L
The Increase of Attention in Rett Syndrome: A Pre-Test/Post-Test Research Design
Tags: 2011, alertness, Attention process, Children, Fabio R A, Giannatiempo S, girls, Intervention, Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, Murdaca A M, Oliva P, physiological intervention, Psycho-educational, Rehabilitation, Rett syndrome, SELECTIVE ATTENTION, selective attention training, Technology, tone and motor problems, Training, trial
The use of pulse oximetry as a screening assessment for paediatric neurogenic dysphagia
Tags: 2008, acute stroke, characteristics, Child, Children, deglutition disorder, desaturation, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, Dysphagia, feeding difficulties, feeding problems, Francis H, Intellectual Disability, Morgan A T, neurological impairment, Neurosciences & Neurology, Omahoney R, oxygen-saturation, Patients, Pediatrics, pulse oximetry, Rehabilitation, reliably detect aspiration, respiratory patterns, Rett syndrome, Severe Cerebral-palsy, swallow, Trajectory
Validation of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP INTEND)
Tags: (health care), 2011, atrophies of childhood/diagnosis, Child, Child Development/physiology, childhood/physiopathology, CHOP INTEND, Chung W K, Darras B T, De Vivo D C, Deng L Y, Disability Evaluation, Disease Severity, Dunaway S, Female, Finkel R S, Flickinger J, Glanzman A M, Humans, Infant, Kaufmann P, Male, Martens W B, McDermott M P, Montes J, Motor Skills/physiology, Muscle Study Group, natural-history, O'Hagen J, outcome assessment, Pediatric Neuromuscular Clinical Research, Pediatric Physical Therapy, Pediatrics, physical therapy/methods, Preschool, Psychometrics/methods, Quigley J, Rehabilitation, Riley S, scale development, Severity Of Illness Index, Sma, SMA1, smn2 copy number, spinal muscular, spinal muscular atrophies of, spinal muscular-atrophy, Sproule D, Tawil R, tone and motor problems, tool development, Validity, Yang M
What Problematic Behaviors are Observed among Mentally Handicapped Children Receiving Pediatric Physical Therapy?
Tags: 2010, Aberrant Behavior Checklist, behavioral problems, characteristics, features, fragile-x-syndrome, Gotou M, Inoue Y, Irritability, Japanese manuals of, Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Koeda H, lethargy, Mowat-Wilson syndrome, Nanba Y, Naruse S, Pediatric Physical Therapy, Pena Shokeir syndrome, prader-willi, Problematic behaviors, Rehabilitation, Tokuhisa K, Trajectory, Tuberous Sclerosis, Uesugi M, West syndrome