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Tags: 2016, Cancer, Caregiver, Caregivers, Collins A, Experiences, Families, Health Care Sciences & Services, Hennessy-Anderson N, Hosking S, Hynson J, Illness, Impact, Journal of Palliative Medicine, Life-limiting Conditions, March 2016 List, Medicine General & Internal, Of-life, Pediatric Palliative Care, Public, Public Environmental & Occupational Health, Qualitative, Remedios C, Services, Support, Thomas K, Threatening Conditions
Tags: 2016, Aladangady N, Analysis, Biomedical, Communication, Consultation, Conversation, Conversation Analysis, Conversational Analysis, Cooperation, Decision Making, Decision-making, Decisions, End, End Of Life, End Of Life Care, Ethics, Gallagher K, Infant, Infants (newborn), Intensive Care, Interrogatives, Life, Marlow N, Medical Authority, Medicine, Neonatal, Palliative Care, Palliative Treatment, Parent And Child, Parental Involvement, Parenting, Parents, Participation, Physicians, Public, Public Environmental & Occupational Health, Recommendations, Resistance, September 2016 List, Shared Decision, Shaw C, Social Sciences, Sociology, Sociology of Health & Illness, Stokoe E, Training
Tags: 2011, Backlog, Barrett B, CARE, CARE MEASURE, Chewning B, Cold (Disease), Common cold, Common Cold - psychology, Common Cold - therapy, CONTEXT, CONTROLLED-TRIAL, ECHINACEA, Empathy, Environmental & Occupational Health, EXPECTATIONS, family medicine, GENERAL-PRACTICE CONSULTATIONS, Health Aspects, health outcomes, Hoeft T, Interdisciplinary, Interleukin-8 - analysis, Journal Article, Marchand L, Medical informatics, Neutrophils - immunology, Patient Education and Counseling, Patient-practitioner interaction, PLACEBO, Public, Rakel D, RESPIRATORY SYMPTOM SURVEY, Scheder J, Social Sciences, Therapeutic encounter, VALIDATION, Zhang ZJ