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OBJECTIVE: Parents of seriously ill children require attention to their spiritual needs, especially during end-of-life care. The objective of this study was to characterize parental attitudes regarding physician inquiry into their belief system.…
Parents who experience the death of a child are at high risk for psychopathology. Because a large percentage of pediatric deaths occur in the pediatric intensive care unit each year, a follow-up meeting between bereaved parents and intensivists could…
Most childhood deaths in the United States occur in hospitals. Pediatric intensive care clinicians must anticipate and effectively treat dying children's pain and suffering and support the psychosocial and spiritual needs of families. These actions…
Background: Parents of children with cancer admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) often obtain support from social workers and/or chaplains (SWs/Cs). Yet, empirical work describing the roles and activities of SWs/Cs caring for patients…
Objectives: To measure the level of moral distress in PICU and neonatal ICU health practitioners, and to describe the relationship of moral distress with demographic factors, burnout, and uncertainty. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Setting: A large…
A retrospective analysis was performed to describe the course of terminal care provided to dying hospitalized children in terms of symptom assessment and management, and communication and decision-making, at the end of life. Seventy-seven of 236…
INTRODUCTION: The possibility of sustaining life functions makes it difficult to distinguish between a dying patient and a patient with chances of survival, raising a dilemma for everyone around them. On the one side, continuing with life support…
Since 2005, forgoing live-support (FLS) is allowed by the French law (known as the Leonetti law) for end-of-life patients only. This study aims at describing the variations over time in the use of the following methods to end life: FLS, brain death…
PURPOSE: To explore bereaved parents' perspectives of parent and staff roles in the pediatric intensive care unit when their child was dying, and their relationships with healthcare staff during this time. DESIGN AND METHODS: Constructivist grounded…
Introduction Of the 74% of UK childhood deaths that occur in hospital, an increasing number-up to 65%-occur in PICU. There is little information about the impact of this on those who provide minute-to minute care of the children and their families,…
Today more and more children are living with complex health care needs, many of these children are living with life limiting and/or threatening conditions, some are medically fragile. To live a childhood these children must live in communities and…
Description: Background: Pediatric palliative care is an interdisciplinary service that works to enhance the quality of life for children with serious illness. Unfortunately, the need for palliative care is difficult to ascertain and is often…
BACKGROUND: In Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) two types of population require the intervention of neuropediatricians (NP): chronic brain diseases' patients who face repetitive and prolonged hospitalizations, and patients with acute brain…
Aims & Objectives: Caring for dying children is complex and requires coordination of all resources. In PICU the main objective is to save lives and ensure vital functions in critically ill children. However due to the child's critical and life…
Aims & Objectives: To study the epidemiology of deaths in our paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) over 5 years, so that we can better understand the dying experience of these patients and improve on palliative care for patients with life-limiting…
BACKGROUND: Parents of children admitted to neonatal and pediatric intensive care units (ICUs) are at increased risk of experiencing acute and post-traumatic stress disorder. The integration of palliative care may improve child and family outcomes,…
BACKGROUND: In Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) two types of population require the intervention of neuropediatricians (NP): chronic brain diseases' patients who face repetitive and prolonged hospitalizations, and patients with acute brain…
Introduction: Family conferences between parents of critically ill children and health care providers in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) serve an important role in family centered care. Many family conferences include palliative care…
Background As understandings of the impacts of end-of-life experiences on parents’ grief and bereavement increase, so too does the inclusion of bereaved parents into research studies exploring these experiences. However, designing and obtaining…
Learning Objectives: Social workers (SWs) and chaplains (Cs) support families of PICU cancer patients. Few data describe the activities and impact of SWs and Cs (SWs/Cs) in the PICU. This study examined the activities of SWs/Cs caring for PICU cancer…
Objectives To provide an in-depth insight into the experience and perceptions of bereaved parents who have experienced end of life care decision-making for children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions in the paediatric intensive care…
Objective: A proportion of children die, making them potentially eligible to be organ/tissue donors. Not all are approached for donation, and experiences of those parents are not well understood. The objective was to investigate to what extent organ…
Background: The impact of specialty pediatric palliative care (PPC) on intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay for children is unclear. Objective: To estimate the impact of PPC consultation by analyzing ICU stay as a dynamic outcome over the course…
Background As there was no specialist paediatric palliative care team in the region, we made a successful bid to NHS England's Marginal rate Emergency Threshold (MRET) and Readmission Fund for the Chameleon Project1 in 2018. The project has been…
Introduction: IFiReaPed study is a prospective ongoing study about perceptible end-of-life signs in Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). IFiReaPed main hypothesis is that a better information of parents about those perceptible end-of-life signs…
Objectives: * Recognize how PICUs/NICUs implement GBS IPPC recommendations. * Describe how PICUs/NICUs' resource influence their GBS care provision as related to IPPC recommendations. Original Research Background: Grief and bereavement support (GBS)…
BACKGROUND: Societal attitudes about end-of-life events are at odds with how, where, and when children die. In addition, parents' ideas about what constitutes a "good death" in a pediatric intensive care unit vary widely. OBJECTIVE: To synthesize…
Background: The relationship between clinical course and do-not-resuscitate (DNR) status has not been well studied in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) setting. Objective(s): To describe the relationship between DNR order placement and…
OBJECTIVES: To describe how children currently die in Spanish PICUs, their epidemiologic characteristics and clinical diagnoses. DESIGN: Prospective multicenter observational study. SETTING: Eighteen PICUs participating in the MOdos de Morir en UCI…
Objective: The care provided in the time surrounding the death of a child shapes long-term memories and has potential to impact on the grieving process. There are no specific guidelines for PICU staff in relation to what good care looks like at this…
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Children with medical or surgical critical illness or injury require skillful attention to physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs, whereas their families need support and guidance in facing life-threatening or…
Background: The purpose of this paper is to describe how end-of-life care is managed when life-support limitation is decided in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and to analyze the influence of the further development of the Palliative Care Unit.…
Title “You have made all the loving choices”: A qualitative study of physician “good parent” statements during Pediatric Intensive Care Unit care conferences Background Parents’ ideas about what it means to be a “good parent” to their seriously ill…
BACKGROUND: Children with complex chronic conditions present unique challenges to the pediatric intensive care unit, including prolonged length of stay, complex medical regimens, and complicated family dynamics. OBJECTIVES: To examine perspectives of…
BACKGROUND: There are few studies that assess the role of different nutritional assessment variables at pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission in predicting clinical outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To identify nutritional variables in the first 4 days…
OBJECTIVES: Therapeutic alliance is the collaborative bond that develops between patients/families and healthcare providers. Our objective is to determine the extent of therapeutic alliance bereaved parents perceive to have occurred with their…
PURPOSE: Currently, several scoring systems for predicting mortality in severely ill children who require treatment in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) have been established. However, despite providing high-quality care, children might develop…
To gain an in-depth understanding of the experience of pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) clinicians caring for children with chronic critical illness (CCI), we conducted, audiotaped, and transcribed in-person interviews with PICU clinicians. We…