Browse Items (15 total)

Objective: Neonatal nurses face numerous barriers in providing end-of-life (EOL) care for neonates and their families. Addressing neonatal nurses’ attitudes could provide insight into barriers that impede neonatal palliative care (NPC). This study…

Perinatal palliative care is an emerging area of health care. To date, no published tools assess health-care provider's knowledge and level of comfort in providing such care. A 2-phase study was undertaken to develop and implement a survey to…

BACKGROUND: Research found that low levels of professional confidence and personal comfort among neonatal clinicians regarding palliative care may indicate a lack of competence and hesitancy to offer neonatal palliative care services. PURPOSE: This…

BACKGROUND: Palliative care is becoming an important component for infants with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions and their families. Yet palliative care practices appear to be inconsistent and sporadically used for infants. PURPOSE: The…

BACKGROUND: First defined in 2002 by Catlin and Carter, neonatal palliative care (NPC) is a relatively new model of care in neonatal pediatrics, first appearing in the medical literature in the early 1980s. PURPOSE: The purpose of this article is to…

Background: A significant number of newborns are affected by life-limiting or life-threatening conditions. Despite this prevalence, there are inconsistencies in attitudes toward, and delivery of, neonatal palliative care. Implementing neonatal…

BACKGROUND: Advances in prenatal testing and diagnosis have resulted in more parents learning during pregnancy that their child may die before or shortly after birth. These advances in testing and diagnosis have also resulted in more parents…

Objective: The purpose of this study was to describe differences and identify education gaps in the perception of palliative care (PC) between neonatal care providers in a Level IV Neonatal intensive care unit. Study design: This is a descriptive…

One of the most essential components of end-of-life (EOL) care for neonates is assessing and addressing distressing symptoms. There is limited evidence to guide neonatal EOL symptom management and therefore significant variety in treatment (1-4). EOL…

The objective of perinatal palliative care is to provide holistic and comprehensive health care services to women who are anticipating the birth of a neonate diagnosed prenatally with a life-limiting condition and to continue supportive interventions…

Purpose: Neonatal palliative care is widely endorsed as an essential aspect of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) practice, yet inconsistencies in its use continue to exist. We examined neonatal nurses' perceptions of barriers and facilitators to…

Objective: The aim of this study was to measure implementation of quality indicators (QIs) of Perinatal/Neonatal Palliative Care (PNPC) as reported by participants following a one-year training course. Study Design: A cross-sectional survey…

With the frequency of infant deaths in the United States, many attributed to congenital malformations and prematurity, the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurse must be adept at planning and providing perinatal palliative care. The NICU nurse…

Aim: To review the literature relevant to palliative care educational programs for nursing staff and families in the NICU. Background: Few hospitals have a palliative care educational program that is in place despite the increasing need for one.…

INTRODUCTION: Spirituality serves as a mechanism to understand and cope with serious illness, yet little is known about how families and clinicians incorporate spirituality in pediatric family conferences. OBJECTIVES: We sought to characterize the…
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