Browse Items (80 total)

Objectives: 1. Describe patterns of pediatric palliative care and care disparities in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) patients and families hospitalized in the Deep South (Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi). 2. Describe implications for…

Background: Palliative care is an essential element of universal health coverage. However, palliative care services, particularly pediatric palliative care (PPC) services, are still inadequately developed in many countries, not least members of the…

Importance: The death of a close relative is associated with an increased mortality risk among the bereaved, but much less is known about the potential association of the death of a sibling in childhood with mortality in this population. Objective:…

Importance: The death of a close relative is associated with an increased mortality risk among the bereaved, but much less is known about the potential association of the death of a sibling in childhood with mortality in this population. Objective:…

Description: Background: Pediatric palliative care is an interdisciplinary service that works to enhance the quality of life for children with serious illness. Unfortunately, the need for palliative care is difficult to ascertain and is often…

BACKGROUND: We investigated the clinical characteristics that represent risk factors for death in pediatric patients with mitochondrial diseases. METHODS: The medical records of mitochondrial disease pediatric patients attended between 2006 and 2015…

Background: Inpatient hospice care (IHC) for adults in Germany is used in the last weeks of life. Children, adolescents and young adults (ACA) with life-limiting diseases are entitled to 28 days/year of IHC during their lifetime. We explored various…

Introduction: Advancement in medical science and better health care has led to increased survival of children with complex neurodisability (cerebral palsy, neuromuscular, neuro-metabolic, and genetic disorders). Paediatric palliative care has…

BACKGROUND: Characteristics of critical Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-related Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in children is not well understood. This study described the clinical characteristics of children admitted to intensive care units…

Background: Parents of children with cancer admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) often obtain support from social workers and/or chaplains (SWs/Cs). Yet, empirical work describing the roles and activities of SWs/Cs caring for patients…

AIM: To investigate clinical course and mortality-associated factors in children with Down syndrome (DS) managed in a medical paediatric intensive care unit. METHODS: A single-centre, retrospective study conducted between 2001 and 2010 in DS children…

AIM: We compared neonatal deaths and end-of-life decisions in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in a Dutch tertiary children's hospital. SUBJECTS: All 235 full-term infants who died within 28 days of life…

Abstract Background: Understanding why children die is important for grieving parents and for informing system improvements aimed at prevention and future care. Many countries have child death review (CDR) process, but little is known about how best…

Most children who die in the UK have an underlying chronic illness, and the majority of these deaths take place in a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU).1 The overall community burden of paediatric chronic illness is increasing as the population…

Topic significance and study purpose/background/rationale: Patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) are at risk for significant morbidity and mortality and experience distressing psychological and physical symptoms. Access to…

The majority of neonatal deaths occur after a decision to limit life-sustaining interventions (LSIs). Decisions on when to withhold/withdraw LSIs in fragile neonates are among the most difficult decisions in paediatric practice. Two rigorous…

OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of life support limitation (LSL) in patients who died after at least 24h of a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) stay, parent participation and to describe how this type of care is delivered. METHODS:…

Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of do-not-resuscitate status, assess the epidemiologic trends of do-not-resuscitate status, and assess the factors associated with do-not-resuscitate status in children after in-hospital cardiac arrest using…

This article describes how epidemiology may be used effectively to provide hard statistical data upon which to justify and base the development of paediatric palliative nursing services within a defined locality. Through an analysis of mortality data…

Objectives: This study examined short- and long-term psychological adjustment to parental bereavement in later life for mothers and fathers. Methods: Using 9 waves of data from the United States (1998-2014 Health and Retirement Study), I estimated…

BACKGROUND: Poor muscular strength has been shown to be associated with increased morbidity and mortality in diverse samples of middle-aged and elderly people. However, the oldest old population (i.e., over 85 years) is underrepresented in such…

Of the 100,000 children who die each year in the United States, close to 15,000 children could benefit from hospice/home care services. This article describes the concept of pediatric hospice care, reviews the Martinson study that was conducted in…

Introduction: Due to epidemiological change, interest in complex chronic conditions has been increasing within the pediatric health system. As such, we aim to evaluate hospital inpatient care in the National Health Service (mainland Portugal) by…

Multiple studies among adults have suggested a non-linear relationship between arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO(2)) and clinical outcomes. Meta-analyses in this population suggest that high levels of supplemental oxygen resulting in hyperoxia…

INTRODUCTION: Parental socioeconomic status has been proposed to have an influence on childhood cancer mortality even in high-income countries. Our study investigated the influence of parental socioeconomic factors on childhood cancer mortality.…

Objective To describe the causes and circumstances of neonatal mortality and determine whether the implementation of a palliative care protocol has improved the quality of end-of-life care. Methods A retrospective observational study including all…

Integration of pediatric palliative care (PPC) into management of children with serious illness and their families is endorsed as the standard of care. Despite this, timely referral to and integration of PPC into the traditionally cure-oriented…

All-cause infant and childhood mortality has decreased in the UK over the last 30 years. Advances in paediatric critical care have increased survival in paediatric intensive care units (PICUs) but may have affected how and when…

OBJECTIVE: To identify demographic, clinical, and hospital factors associated with mortality on readmission within 180 days following an inpatient hospitalization. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted a retrospective cohort study including 33 US children's…

Aim: This study aimed to compare outcomes post-admission to a Swedish paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in children with complex chronic conditions (CCC) and without CCC. Methods: In this observational registry-based study, consecutive admissions…

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the effect of parental bereavement on physical health. We investigated whether the death of a child increased mortality in parents. METHODS: We undertook a follow-up study based on national registers. From 1980 to…

AIM: Australian neonatal mortality data are collected and shared within collaborative networks. Individual unit outcomes are benchmarked between units and presented in quarterly or yearly reports. Low mortality is commonly interpreted as optimal…
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