Browse Items (13 total)

Background Technological advances have decreased PICU mortality but increased the number of children surviving with disability or technologically-dependent. Death in PICU most frequently follows withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy (LST),…

Objectives: Research has shown that advance care planning concepts for adults need to be revised and adapted to be applicable to pediatric situations. A consistent approach to pediatric advance care planning (pACP) is still missing. The study aimed…

An Asian Indian Hindu family chose no intervention and hospice care for their newborn with hypoplastic right heart syndrome as an ethical option, and the newborn expired after five days. Professional nursing integrates values-based practice and…

Moral distress is a complex phenomenon whereby a person feels tension, constraint, or conflict with an action or circumstance because it goes against their individual or the perceived collective (e.g., community, organizational, or professional…

Objectives: In the context of serious or life-limiting illness, pediatric patients and their families are faced with difficult decisions surrounding appropriate resuscitation efforts in the event of a cardiopulmonary arrest. Code status orders are…

Death is no stranger to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Extreme prematurity, congenital abnormalities, and other complexities can turn what was hoped to be a very exciting moment in a family's life into one of despair and grief. There are…

This paper describes a practice innovation: the addition of formal weekly discussions of patients with prolonged PICU stay to reduce healthcare providers’ moral distress and decrease length of stay for patients with life-threatening illnesses. We…

The ethical barriers involved in the practice of pediatric palliative medicine remain high and challenging. In terms of medical ethics, attention should be paid to culture, religion and family values, in order to promote adequate care for caregivers,…

Purpose Intensive care is a stressful environment in which team-family conflicts commonly occur. If managed poorly, conflicts can have negative effects on all parties involved. Previous studies mainly investigated these conflicts and their management…

Objectives: *Discuss bereaved parent and staff perspectives regarding limitations for end-of-life care for children who die in intensive care units.*Explain the process of co-creation sessions, and identify opportunity concepts for improving end of…

Perinatal palliative care is the active total care of the fetus who has been diagnosed with a life-limiting condition with his/her entirety and also involves giving support to the family. It begins when illness is diagnosed, and continues regardless…

Background: In children with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD), discussions about end-of-life decisions (EoLDs) are comparatively common. Nurses play a crucial role in the care for these children, yet their involvement in EoLD…
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