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- Tags: Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies/di [Diagnosis]
Progressive sensorineural hearing loss in children with mitochondrial encephalomyopathies
Tags: 2001, Acoustic Impedance Tests, Acoustic/ph [Physiology], Adolescent, Adult, Audiometry, Auditory, Backlog, Brain Stem/ph [Physiology], Child, Evoked Potentials, Female, Friedreich Ataxia/di [Diagnosis], Friedreich Ataxia/pp [Physiopathology], Hearing Loss, Humans, IM, Journal Article, Kearns-Sayer Syndrome/di [Diagnosis], Kearns-Sayer Syndrome/pp [Physiopathology], Laryngoscope, Longitudinal Studies, Male, MELAS Syndrome/di [Diagnosis], MELAS Syndrome/pp [Physiopathology], Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies/di [Diagnosis], Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies/pp [Physiopathology], Otoacoustic Emissions, Preschool, Pure-Tone, Reflex, Sensorineural/di [Diagnosis], Sensorineural/pp [Physiopathology], Speech, Spontaneous/ph [Physiology], Wilichowski E, Zwirner P
Long-term outcome and clinical spectrum of 73 pediatric patients with mitochondrial diseases
Tags: 2007, AIM, Backlog, Cause Of Death, Chevalier I, Child, Cohort Studies, Debray FG, Decarie JC, DNA, DNA Fragmentation, Female, Follow-up Studies, HEREDITARY, Humans, IM, Infant, Journal Article, Lambert M, Leber/di [Diagnosis], Leber/ge [Genetics], Leber/mo [Mortality], Longitudinal Studies, Male, MELAS Syndrome/di [Diagnosis], MELAS Syndrome/mo [Mortality], MELAS Syndrome/th [Therapy], Mitchell GA, Mitochondrial Diseases/di [Diagnosis], Mitochondrial Diseases/ge [Genetics], Mitochondrial Diseases/mo [Mortality], Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies/di [Diagnosis], Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies/mo [Mortality], Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies/th [therapy], Mitochondrial Myopathies/di [Diagnosis], Mitochondrial Myopathies/ge [Genetics], Mitochondrial Myopathies/mo [Mortality], Mitochondrial/ge [Genetics], Newborn, Optic Atrophy, Pediatrics, Preschool, Probability, Proportional Hazards Models, Q3 Scoping Review Results, Retrospective Studies, Robinson BH, Robitaille Y, Severity Of Illness Index, Shoubridge EA, Survival Analysis, Time Factors