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This study was designed to specifically characterize the autonomic phenotype of cardiorespiratory dysregulation during the nighttime in young girls with MECP2 mutation-confirmed Rett Syndrome (RS), studied in their home environment. Computerized…
The timing of the measurement of biological samples (e.g. biomarkers) is not always standardized. Biomarkers are the focus of many recent studies and treatments. The purpose of this study was to determine the timing of the release of beta-endorphin…
Background: The opioid peptide beta-endorphin (beta-E) is synthesized and released in response to stressful stimuli as well as acute alcohol administration. The release of beta-E following exposure to an inescapable aversive situation may mediate…
Stress is known to either up or down regulate immunity. In this study, mice were subjected to handling combined with rectal temperature measurement (RTM) stress or handling only stress. We investigated whether there were any significant differences…