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The use of compassionate extubation (CE) to alleviate suffering by terminating mechanical ventilation and withdrawing the endotracheal tube requires professional adherence and efficiency. The Hospice Palliative Care Act, amended on…
Pompe disease is an autosomal-recessive lysosomal storage disorder characterized by progressive myopathy with proximal muscle weakness, respiratory muscle dysfunction, and cardiomyopathy (in infants only). In patients with juvenile or adult disease…
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to determine the approaches used in withdrawing mechanical ventilator support. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Speakers from the invited faculty of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine…
The prevalence of children on long-term ventilation (LTV) at home has increased in many countries. In Italy, there are 4.3/100,000 population younger than 18 years. Pediatric palliative care (PPC) network provides high-level care for these patients.…
OBJECTIVES: To provide accessible, uniform, comprehensive, and balanced information to families deciding whether to initiate long-term ventilation (LTV) for their child, we sought to develop and validate a novel informational resource. METHODS: The…
PURPOSE: To describe the proportion of children with an index hospitalization in 2014 who had established long-term invasive ventilator dependence (LTVD), and determine regional variation in hospital length of stay, charges, and readmissions. DESIGN…
Children with medical complexity (CMC) are patients with one or more complex chronic conditions dependent on medical technologies. In our unit (Pediatric Pulmonology and Respiratory Intermediate Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, "Bambino Gesù"…
BACKGROUND: Adult patients with hematologic malignancies are less likely to receive palliative care and more likely to accept intensive anti-cancer treatments until end-of-life than those with solid tumors, but limited data are available regarding…