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Requests for life-prolonging treatments can cause irresolvable conflicts between health-care providers and surrogates. The Multiorganization Policy Statement (Bosslet et al. 2015) with recommendations to prevent and manage these conflicts creates a…
Ayda G. Nambayan, PhD, RN is the Training Consultant for The Ruth Foundation for Palliative and Hospice Care. Prior to this, she held various positions as a Consultant for Advanced Education and Training at Makati Medical Center, Philippines; a…
PURPOSE: To explore the lived experiences and personal impact of stillbirth on bereaved parents. METHODS: Semi-structured in-depth interviews analysed by Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) on a purposive sample of parents of twelve babies…
Learning Objectives: The importance of Palliative and End of Life Care (PC, EOL) for children in the PICU with life-limiting, chronic conditions is increasingly recognized (1). Robust PC improves outcomes by symptom score, cost, and length of life…
Learning Objectives: Assessing competence in pediatric critical care medicine (PCCM) training is challenging, and Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) were recently introduced to enhance the assessment process. There are 7 EPAs that define the…
BACKGROUND: The perinatal mortality review meeting that takes place within the hospital following a stillbirth or neonatal death enables clinicians to learn vital lessons to improve care for women and their families for the future. Recent evidence…
PURPOSE: To conduct a metasynthesis of qualitative research exploring parents' psychosocial experiences during complex and traumatic life transitions related to caring for a child with a life-limiting (LLI) or life-threatening illness (LTI).…
OBJECTIVES: Support from healthcare professionals in a PICU is highly valuable for parents of dying children. The way they care for the patients and their families affects the parents' initial mourning process. This study explores what interaction…
Pathfinders is a 10-session program developed in a community setting to creatively address the diverse needs of bereaved children and families, prevent complications of grief and trauma, and promote healthy adaptation. It is an accessible,…
Children with single-ventricle disease experience high mortality and complex care. In other life-limiting childhood illnesses, paediatric palliative care may mitigate maternal stress. We hypothesised that early palliative care in the single-ventricle…
While bereavement camps serve as a support for children, this study examines a therapeutic recreation-based camp for families who have lost a child. The study triangulated documents, researcher reflection and staff interviews to highlight the themes…
There is an inconsistency in the ways that doctors make clinical decisions regarding the treatment of babies born extremely prematurely. Many experts now recommend that clinical decisions about the treatment of such babies be individualized and…
Being able to form and maintain intimate relationships is an essential part of development and the early loss of a parent may negatively affect this ability. This study investigates the association between parental loss before the age of 18 years and…
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The aim of this review is to examine literature relating to the withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy (WLST). RECENT FINDINGS: Discussions regarding end-of-life issues in adults and children are not occurring comprehensively.…
BACKGROUND: Multidisciplinary teamwork is considered central to pediatric palliative care. Although different studies state that volunteers play an essential role in palliative care, little is known about the collaboration between volunteers and…
INTRODUCTION: The number of children and young people living with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions is rising. Providing high-quality, responsive healthcare for them and for their families presents a significant challenge. Their…
OBJECTIVES: Typically pediatric end-of-life decision-making studies have examined the decision-making process, factors, and doctors' and parents' roles. Less attention has focussed on what happens after an end-of-life decision is made; that is,…
AIM: The aim of this study was to identify the potential risks and benefits of sleeping infants in a Pepi-Pod distributed to families with high risk of sudden unexpected death in infancy compared to a bassinet. METHODS: Forty-five mostly indigenous…
Many children with palliative care needs experience difficulty in managing pain. Perhaps none more so than those with severe neurological impairment. For many years; behaviours in these children were misunderstood. As a result; pain was poorly…
Patients and families increasingly use mobile apps as a relaxation and distraction intervention for children with complex, chronic medical conditions in the waiting room setting or during inpatient hospitalizations; and yet, there is limited data on…
Clinicians at quaternary centers see part of their mission as providing hope when others cannot. They tend to see sicker patients with more complex disease processes. Part of this mission is offering longshot treatment modalities that are unlikely to…
INTRODUCTION: The increasing survival rate of preterm infants has altered the epidemiology of neonatal diseases; however, neonatal mortality is still the main component of child mortality. The objective of this study was to evaluate neonatal…
Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Depending on its pathophysiological mechanism, it may be classified into nociceptive, neuropathic, and mixed pain. If pain is…
OBJECTIVES: To follow changes in the causes of neonatal deaths in the NICU at Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel, over a decade; to examine trends regarding types of end-of-life-care provided (primary nonintervention, maximal intensive, and…
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Forgoing artificial nutrition and hydration (FANH) in children at the end of life (EOL) is a medically, legally, and ethically acceptable practice under speci fi c circumstances. However, most of the evidence on FANH…
Paediatric palliative care is the total care for the child's body, mind and spirit, and involves support to the family. It begins when a life-threatening disease is diagnosed and depends on an interdisciplinary team approach. In 2013, 295 children…
Background: Palliative care (PC) has been shown to improve quality of life, symptom burden, and mood in patients with advanced solid tumors as well as those with hematologic malignancies undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).…
Background: The Centre for Pediatric Palliative Care at the Medical Center of the University of Munich is one of the largest in Germany. Care is provided yearly to 90-100 children with advanced lifelimiting diseases living at home (at a distance of…
Objectives: This presentation will describe a collaborative intervention that can enhance resilience in hospitalized patients when they are struggling with the emotional sequelae of their medical illness. The presentation will discuss the specialty…
Objectives: This presentation will describe the phenomenon of posttraumatic growth through a review of the literature on complex developmental trauma and salutogenesis. A description of a multidisciplinary approach to support posttraumatic growth…
Batten disease, the most common form of the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses, is a genetic life-limiting neurodegenerative condition that presents as early-onset dementia in children (Mole, Williams and Goebel, 2011). Symptoms include blind-ness,…
Objectives: Dystonia and seizures can be common, unpredictable and distressing neurological symptoms in paediatric palliative care. Emergency seizure management is increasingly under joint neurology and palliative care, often incorporated into…
BACKGROUND: Infant deaths account for a majority of all pediatric deaths. However, little is known about the factors that influence parents to use hospice care for their infant with a life-threatening health condition. METHODS: Data were used from…
Objectives Trisomy 18 is presumed to be a lethal chromosomal abnormality; medical management of infants with this aneuploidy is controversial. Our objective was to describe our approach and experience with trisomy 18 infants. Study Design We reviewed…