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Tags: 1988, adenoidectomy, Adolescent, Adult, Airway Obstruction/et [Etiology], Anesthesia General/ae [Adverse Effects], beta adrenergic blockers, breathing difficulties, calcium antagonists, Cardiovascular Diseases/et [Etiology], Child, Child Preschool, digoxin, diuretics, Female, Humans, Infant, Intubation Intratracheal/ae [Adverse Effects], Lung Diseases/et [Etiology], Lung Diseases/pp [Physiopathology], Male, Medicine, MLII, MLIII, MPSI, MPSII, MPSVI, Mucopolysaccharidoses/co [Complications], Mucopolysaccharidoses/mo [Mortality], Mucopolysaccharidoses/pp [Physiopathology], pharmacologic interventions, Pyeritz R E, respiratory problems, Respiratory Tract Diseases/et [Etiology], Respiratory Tract Diseases/pp [Physiopathology], Respiratory Tract Diseases/ra [Radiography], Retrospective Studies, Semenza G L, Sleep Apnea Syndromes/et [Etiology], Spinal Diseases/et [Etiology], Spinal Diseases/ra [Radiography], surgical interventions, theophylline, Tonsillectomy, Tracheostomy